Night Thrashing
show opens. Scene’s from last weeks Thrashing is shown as Eliminator hits Andre with the chair
costing his team the match
“Big” Ben Little –
Tonight, will Andre get his revenge or will the champ Eliminator fool him again. The odds are stacked against Eliminator,
but I was told before we went on the air that Bracken made it very clear to Andre that he call the
match down the middle.
John Davis – Big, I cant
see Andre letting Eliminator get the best of him again. I also don’t see Andre being able to control himself when he
gets in the same ring with Eliminator.
The lights go out, fireworks then explode
throughout the arena, the camera swings around catching all the signs in the crowd.
John Davis – I think tonight
is going to be very important in regards to Cyber Carnage 2. A lot of hot matches and a lot of pissed off people wanting revenge
on someone. I wouldn’t want to be in that ring tonight.
Then Twisted Metal begins to play.
John Davis – Here we go with
the GM Bracken.
Bracken makes his way to the ring.
He grabs a mic and stands in the ring gloating at the fans.
Bracken – Welcome everyone to
the best show in this company,. Thursday night Thrashing.
The crowd goes wild
Bracken – I have come out here
for a few things. One, Tony Touch. You know why I didn’t give you your TV title #1 contenders
match, because you and your Nuthead friend can’t seem to keep your hand off of it. But tonight
your in luck, you see last week I got attacked by Kage Corp which just happens to have Wave who
has a #1 contenders match tonight for the TV title, so if you can beat Surge tonight then at the Cyber Carnage 2 I will give
you that match in a 3 way triple threat ladder match against whoever wins tonight in the Wave Vs Trent Davidson match, and
whoever wins in the Trance Vs the Nutcracker match. This way neither you nor Nutcracker can steal the title from the champ
unless you actually win it. So consider this your lucky day.
Bracken – Now
onto my other topic. Last
week I took it upon myself to award what I thought was a deserving IC champ, now I sit back and I watch the tapes and think
to myself what in the hell was I thinking. Rocker you had no right to nail me over the head with the belt, and the rest of
Kage Corp how dare you treat me like you did. Now I know Rachel was only acting in the passion of
love for me so I am willing to forgive and forget if she comes out here right now.
Bracken stands in the ring waiting.
War Pigs begins to play
Rachel, Wave and Northern Rocker make
there way to the ring.
Rachel – Your
going to forgive me and forget it happened, and you thinks its because of my love for you. Well your
Bracken – What, I have been waiting
for you to say that.
Rachel – Unfortunately my boyfriend
isn’t to happy about it, but how about I give you a little kiss for lets say the love.
Bracken stands there with a smile on
his face. Bracken leans in but is taken out again but Northern Rocker with a shot to the head with the belt. Wave and Northern
Rocker begin to kick and punch Bracken until Tiny Tim runs to ringside.
Wave, Rachel and Northern Rocker clear
the ring.
Tiny Tim stands over Bracken but pointing
at Northern Rocker.
Rachel, Wave and Northern Rocker smile
and laugh as they make there way backstage.
The scene fades to the videotron
where the new Cyber Carnage 2 video begins to play
2 Men... (Shows Hard Stone & Nick)
2 Focuses... (Flashes "2 Focuses")
One man's focus: REVENGE (Shows Nick screwing Hard Stone at King of Kings)
The other man's focus: TO SURVIVE (Shows Nick with a scared look on his face)
men meet, on one historic night. Where both men, both legends, both icons, try to both fulfil their
destiny. (Shows the two staring at each other)
is not Vince McMahon Vs Stone Cold Steve Austin
This is not Ric Flair Vs Stone Cold Steve Austin
This is not Vince McMahon Vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan
This is Nick Vs Hard Stone. This is No DQ. This is... CYBER CARNAGE II
& only on ECFW Pay-Per-View. From the sold out Astrodome in Houston, Texas. 68,000. May 10th, 2003.
”Big” Ben Little - The
Biggest PPV of the year and after what we just say we are only in the beginning stages.
Davidson vs. The Wave
Sam Jenkans
- This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 245 pounds, from Colorado
accompanied by Rachel Lewis, The Wave!!! (crowd boos *****)
to Stay" By Korn ]
Sam Jenkans
- and his opponent, weighing in at 278 pounds, from Minneapolis, MN, Trent Davidson!!! (crowd
boos *******)
["My Own Prison" By Creed Trent Davidson gets nailed with a charging axhandle
bodyblock from The Wave. The Wave gets nailed with a charging axhandle
bodyblock from Trent Davidson. (ding, ding, ding) The Wave executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Trent Davidson. Trent Davidson is back on his feet. Trent
Davidson executes a ropeflip hiptoss on The Wave. Trent Davidson knifehand chops The Wave. ]
John Davis - knifehand
[The Wave with an Aztecan suplex on Trent Davidson sends him to the mat. Now The Wave standing. Trent Davidson gets back to his feet. Trent Davidson takes The Wave down with a knee.
"Big" Ben Little - The Wave takes a knee.
[Trent Davidson knees The Wave and rolls back to his feet.
Trent Davidson hits The Wave with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Trent Davidson is back
on his feet. Trent Davidson measures The Wave up and drops a closed fist. Trent Davidson applies an arm wrench to The Wave.
The Wave moves back to his feet. The Wave nails Trent Davidson with an inverted DDT. ]
Davis - Nice inverted DDT by The Wave.
[The Wave sends Trent Davidson to ringside. Ashlyn
Gere starts the count (.1) The Wave chokes Trent Davidson with a microphone cable. The
Wave with a falling splash on Trent Davidson. The Wave sucks chants start in the crowd. The Wave gets back to his feet.
Trent Davidson moves back to his feet. (..2) (...3) The Wave rakes his fingers across Trent Davidson's back. (....4) The Wave
executes a swinging bulldog on Trent Davidson driving Trent Davidson's face into the floor. The Wave
moves back to his feet. (.....5) The Wave takes Trent Davidson into the ring. The Wave executes a corkscrew legdrop
on Trent Davidson. The Wave gets up. The Wave fist drops Trent Davidson on the mat. Trent Davidson gets back to his feet.
Trent Davidson picks up The Wave and delivers a tilt-a-whirl suplex. ]
Davis - That tilt-a-whirl suplex was very good.
[Trent Davidson is back on his feet.
The Wave moves back to his feet. Trent Davidson executes the jumping sidekick on The Wave. ]
"Big" Ben Little
- jumping sidekick!
[Trent Davidson grabs The Wave and applies an arm wrench. Trent Davidson measures The Wave up
and drops a closed fist. Trent Davidson goes for a pin. Ashlyn Gere counts.
...1 ...2 The Wave kicks out. ]
John Davis - Not even close!
[The Wave grabs
Trent Davidson's head and DDT's him on the mat. The Wave is up again. ]
"Big" Ben Little - Trent Davidson is
getting the crap kicked out of him!
[The Wave grabs Trent Davidson and applies an arm wrench. The Wave climbs to the
top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Trent Davidson. The Wave climbs to the
top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Trent Davidson. The Wave gets up. Trent
Davidson gets hit with a diving elbow smash from The Wave. The Wave is back on his feet. Now Trent Davidson
standing. TIDEL-WAVE BY THE WAVE!!! Ashlyn Gere counts. ...1 ...2
...3 ]
John Davis - We've got ourselves a winner!
Sam Jenkans
- The winner of this match, The Wave!!!
After the match Northern Rocker and Xan Xing come to the ring. The Wave delivers the Tidel-Wave again to Trent Davidson.
Northern Rocker pulls out a lead pipe and whips it across the back of Trent. Xan Xing
grabs a table from outside, he sets it up, Northern Rocker then delivers the Northern Lights Powerbomb to Trent thought the table.
All 3 men look around at the fans and
begin to laugh.
EMT’s make there way to the ring. They put Trent on a stretcher and wheel him away.
John Davis – Trent does not look to be in great shape. Whatever Kage Corp is doing is not right. You don’t
beat a man like that for no reason.
“Big” Ben Little –
I don’t know what to say, first its Bracken
now Trent. This does not look good for the Thursday show.
Backstage Trance and Steve Fox are
standing together having a conversation
Trance – Well you are finally
apart of the most dominating stable in ECFW, AOD. I myself am very happy with your decision.
Steve Fox – Well I couldn’t
have done it with out you. You have really changed me and tonight I am going to go out there and kick the crow’s ass,
and I am going to dedicate my first win to you.
Trance smiles then leans in and gives
Steve a kiss.
Steve Fox – What was that for.
Trance – For
good luck.
Steve Fox stands there with a huge
smile on his face.
Trance – You’re up next,
see you after your match.
Fox vs. The Crow
Sam Jenkans
- This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 175 pounds, from Britain,
Steve Fox!!! (crowd cheers ******)
[Mr. Jinx ]
Sam Jenkans - and his opponent, weighing in at 212 pounds, from Durham, The Crow!!!
(crowd cheers ********)
["Come as You Are" Steve Fox places The Crow on the turnbuckle and
executes a front-layout suplerplex. The Crow places Steve Fox on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout
suplerplex. (ding, ding, ding) Steve Fox takes The Crow down with a knee.
Steve Fox rolls onto The Crow connecting with a knee. Steve Fox measures The Crow up and drops a closed fist. Steve Fox moves
back to his feet. Steve Fox covers The Crow. Referee Ashlyn Gere makes
the count. ...1 ...2 The Crow escapes. ]
John Davis - You
just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like The Crow.
[The Crow
gets back to his feet. The Crow hits Steve Fox with the belly-to-belly suplex. The Crow gets up.
The Crow applies an arm wrench to Steve Fox. Steve Fox gets back to his feet. Steve Fox rakes the face of The Crow in attempt
to make a come back. ]
"Big" Ben Little - face rake!
[The Crow hits a spinning
leg lariat on Steve Fox sending him to the mat. Steve Fox is up again. The Crow gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
"Big" Ben Little - corkscrew armdrag by Steve Fox.
Crow uses a closed fist on Steve Fox. ]
John Davis - Steve Fox takes a punch.
Crow chops Steve Fox. The Crow executes the jumping sidekick on Steve Fox. ]
"Big" Ben Little
- jumping sidekick!
[Steve Fox gets up. Steve Fox trys for a cradle DDT but is not strong
enough to lift The Crow.]
John Davis - Don't you dare switch the channel!
[The Crow
with a headscissors takeover on Steve Fox. The Crow climbs to his feet. The Crow and Steve
Fox go to the floor Ashlyn Gere starts the count (.1) (..2)
The Crow gives Steve Fox a reverse neckbreaker. The Crow moves back to his feet. Steve Fox climbs
to his feet. (...3) Steve Fox executes the jumping sidekick on The Crow. ]
"Big" Ben Little - Follows up with
a jumping sidekick.
[(....4) Steve Fox grabs The Crow and applies an arm wrench. The Crow gets up. (.....5) The Crow
and Steve Fox move back into the ring. The Crow hits Steve Fox with the back of his elbow. Steve Fox hits The Crow with the
back of his elbow. Steve Fox executes a swinging bulldog on The Crow driving The Crow's face into the mat. The Crow gets back
to his feet. The Crow dropkicks Steve Fox to the face. Now The Crow standing. The Crow rolls onto
Steve Fox connecting with a knee. Steve Fox gets up. Steve Fox trys for a belly-to-back suplex
but is unable to lift The Crow.The Crow executes a ropeflip hiptoss
on Steve Fox. The Crow hits Steve Fox with an elbowdrop. Steve Fox is up again. Steve Fox trys for a bridging back suplex but is not strong enough to lift The Crow.The
Crow gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Steve Fox comes over and smashes The Crow's head into it. The Crow executes a headlock
takedown. The Crow goes for a pin. Referee Ashlyn Gere makes the count.
...1 ...2 Steve Fox escapes. ]
John Davis - Not even close!
[Steve Fox gets
up. The Crow takes Steve Fox down with a knee. Steve Fox climbs to his feet. The Crow nails Steve Fox with a belly-to-back
suplex. The Crow knocks Steve Fox out with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam. Steve
Fox is back on his feet. Steve Fox executes a headlock takedown. Steve Fox grabs The Crow and applies an arm wrench. Steve
Fox fist drops The Crow on the mat. Steve Fox hits The Crow with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
"Big" Ben Little - Follows up with a elbowdrop.
Fox is up again. Steve Fox goes for a pin. Referee Ashlyn Gere makes the
count. ...1 The Crow kicks out. ]
John Davis - He should have
just stayed on the attack.
[The Crow gets up. The Crow hits Steve Fox with an atomic drop. The Crow chants start.
The Crow measures Steve Fox up and drops a closed fist. Steve Fox trys for a power move but is unable
to lift The Crow.Steve Fox hits a spinning leg lariat on The Crow sending him to the mat. THE HOLY
MAC A MOLI BY STEVE FOX!!! Steve Fox covers The Crow hooking the leg. Referee Ashlyn Gere
makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]
"Big" Ben Little - Steve Fox has won his first match!
Sam Jenkans - The winner of this match, Steve Fox!!!
Trance comes down to the ring to celebrate
with Steve. They hug then leave the ring together.
Backstage Steve Fox and Trance are
seen together again. AOD then comes into the picture
Bullseye – Good match Steve, welcome to AOD. You wanted some help,
now you’ve got it.
Steve – Thanks Bullseye.
Tonight is a new beginning for me, tonight I start acting like AOD.
Trance – That’s what I’m
talking about.
Red Dragon – We are 5 strong
again, there is not a damn thing that can keep us from kicking the hell out of AKA.
Bracken comes walking by with a ice pack on his head.
Bullseye – Hey Bracken, you alright.
- Congrats on your win Steve.
Steve Fox - Thanks
Bracken - You know I want to thank
you personally for eliminating the pathetic AKA from this show. I have another favor.
Red Dragon – Does it include
kicking someone else’s ass.
Bracken – Yeah. Next week, I want you to take care of Kage
Corp for me just like you took care of AKA. Red Dragon, Steve I am counting on you to kick Xan Xing’s
ass in a handicap match. Rachel wants to play hard to get then that’s what’s she’s going to get.
Bullseye – What about the Eliminator challenge against us for
the tag titles.
Bracken – Right now I have to much to think about and with this headache it’s not helping.
Bracken begins to walk away then stops
and turns for a moment.
Bracken – Oh yeah almost forgot.
It’s nice to see you actually say something Malakai.
Malakai stands there applaud by Bracken’s comments.
John Davis – Tonight Thrashing
is brought to you by Makks. Pick up your favorite ECFW action figure and create your own main event
Commercial Break
The scene shows 2 kids playing with an Andre Lacriox action figure wrestling Hard Stone and an Eliminator, Bullseye, Andre
Machinko and Stitches figures outside the ring fighting.
Commercial announcer – Now you can create your
own main event with these new ECFW action figures. Collect the whole new set of Rampage. Figures and ring sold seperatly.
Dudely vs. The Big Shot
Sam Jenkans
- This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 200 pounds, from Dudelyville,
California, Tom Dudely!!! (crowd cheers ****)
the Bombshell" ]
Sam Jenkans - and his opponent, weighing
in at 275 pounds, from New Castle, England, The Big Shot!!! (crowd cheers ****)
["Lose Yourself" By Eminem Tom Dudely
places The Big Shot on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. The Big Shot executes
a pumphandle suplex on Tom Dudely. (the
bell rings) Tom Dudely trys for a dragon screw but is unable to lift The
Big Shot.Tom Dudely takes The Big Shot down with a knee. The Big Shot
is back on his feet. Tom Dudely is hit with a backward kick. The Big Shot executes a corkscrew legdrop on Tom Dudely. The Big Shot knees Tom Dudely
and rolls back to his feet. Tom Dudely gets hit with the shooting star press from The Big Shot.
Ashlyn Gere counts. ...1 Tom Dudely escapes.
John Davis - The Big Shot should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.
[Tom Dudely climbs to his feet. Tom Dudely trys
for a cobra clutch suplex but is not strong enough to lift The Big Shot.Indian
deathlock applied by Tom Dudely. The referee is checking the situation.
... (AHHHH!) ... The Big Shot trys to escape.
Tom Dudely breaks the hold. Tom Dudely and The Big Shot go to the floor
Ashlyn Gere starts the count (.1) (..2) The Big
Shot gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Tom Dudely comes over and smashes The Big Shot's head into
it. ]
"Big" Ben Little - headsmash into turnbuckle!
The Big Shot tackles Tom Dudely. (....4) The Big Shot hits Tom Dudely
with the back of his elbow. (.....5) Tom Dudely takes The Big Shot into the ring. Tom Dudely
executes a ropeflip hiptoss on The Big Shot. Now The
Big Shot standing. The Big Shot hits Tom Dudely with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Tom Dudely climbs to his feet. Tom Dudely grabs The Big Shot's head and DDT's him
on the mat. Tom Dudely is up again. The Big Shot climbs to his feet. The Big Shot rakes the face
of Tom Dudely in attempt to make a come back. The Big Shot uses a snap mare takeover on Tom Dudely. Tom Dudely moves back to his feet. Tom Dudely
short lariats The Big Shot. The Big Shot stands up. The Big Shot chops Tom Dudely. The Big
Shot hits him with a back fist. ]
John Davis - The Big Shot with a back fist.
Big Shot knifehand chops Tom Dudely. ]
Ben Little - knifehand chop by The Big Shot.
[The Big Shot rakes his fingers across
Tom Dudely's back. ]
John Davis - The Big Shot executes a
back rake.
[Tom Dudely hits The Big Shot with the double arm DDT into the mat. Tom Dudely is up again. Tom Dudely sends The Big Shot to ringside. Ashlyn
Gere starts the count (.1) (..2) Tom Dudely knees
The Big Shot and rolls back to his feet. (...3) Tom Dudely fist drops The Big Shot on the floor.
Tom Dudely is back on his feet. (....4) Tom Dudely gives The Big Shot
a reverse neckbreaker. Tom Dudely gets up. The Big Shot stands up. The
Big Shot nails the bridging back suplex on Tom Dudely. The Big Shot chants
start. ]
John Davis - Good bridging back suplex by The Big
[The Big Shot stands up. (.....5) Tom Dudely does a handspring and hits The Big Shot
with a bodyblock, what a move! Tom Dudely is back on his feet. (......6)
Now The Big Shot standing. (.......7) The Big Shot takes Tom Dudely into
the ring. The Big Shot nails Tom Dudely with a belly-to-back suplex. The
Big Shot gets back to his feet. Tom Dudely climbs to his feet. Tom Dudely
with a headscissors takeover on The Big Shot. Tom Dudely dropkicks
The Big Shot to the face. Now The Big Shot standing. Tom Dudely trys
for a double underhook suplex but is unable to lift The Big Shot.Tom
Dudely trys for a side slam but is unable to lift The Big Shot.AXE
KICK BY TOM DUDELY!!! Tom Dudely makes the cover. Referee Ashlyn Gere makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]
"Big" Ben Little - We've
got ourselves a winner!
Sam Jenkans - The winner of this match, Tom Dudely!!!
Backstage Segment with Owen Nelson
& Eliminator
Owen Nelson – Eliminator, last
week you screwed Andre when you hit him with the chair, but you also lost the match. Then you go on record and challenge AOD
for a tag title match with Andre
Eliminator – Do you think I give
a damn about a tag team match with Andre that doesn’t have gold attached to it.
Nelson – What if Bracken grants
this match, will we see the same outcome.
Eliminator – Are you crazy, the
more gold I have the better. I might not like him, but I sure like the gold. What you don’t understand is I am about
making money and being the best. As of late I am 2 for 2. I guess you can say I am 3 for 3.
Owen Nelson – Why’s that?
Eliminator – Cause
I nearly took Andre’s head out of the park when I hit him with the chair.
Owen Nelson – That’s just
Eliminator begins to laugh.
Eliminator – Oh what’s
the matter, did I gross little Owen out.
Owen Nelson – Back to you John
and Ben
NutCracker vs.
TV Championship)
Sam Jenkans
- This match is a Standard Match for the ECFW TV Championship title. On her way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 124
pounds, she holds the ECFW TV Championship title belt, from Toronto, Ontario,
Canada, Trance!!!
["Enter Sandman" By Metalica ]
Sam Jenkans - and his opponent, weighing in at 270 pounds, from
John Davis – I can believe Nutcracker is still walking around with the TV title. He
thinks he is champion, I guess to be a Nut you need to a Nutcracker.
["The Way I Am" By Eminem
NutCracker gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock
from Trance. NutCracker executes a pumphandle suplex
on Trance. (ding, ding, ding) Trance rakes the face of NutCracker in attempt
to make a come back. ]
John Davis - Trance with a face rake.
[Trance chops
NutCracker. NutCracker executes a huge gutbuster
on Trance. NutCracker clotheslines Trance. Trance connects with a flying knee. NutCracker
goes down. Now NutCracker standing. NutCracker
sends Trance to the floor Ashlyn Gere starts the count (.1)
"Big" Ben Little - Damn!
[(..2) NutCracker clotheslines Trance. (...3)
Trance executes the jumping sidekick on NutCracker. (....4) NutCracker
slaps Trance. (.....5) NutCracker takes Trance into the ring. NutCracker
does a cartwheel and kicks Trance in the face. Trance climbs to her feet. NutCracker uses a closed
fist on Trance. Trance get whipped into the corner and NutCracker follows
himin with an avalanche. ]
John Davis - Nice avalanche by
[NutCracker puts Trance in the double armbar
submission. Ashlyn Gere asks Trance if she quits. ... Trance is fighting
the hold. ... ... Trance escapes. Trance executes a split legged moonsault on to NutCracker.
Trance fist drops NutCracker on the mat. ]
"Big" Ben Little
- fist drop!
[Now Trance standing. NutCracker is back on his feet.
NutCracker double underhook faceslams Trance
hard to the Trance. Trance gets up. Trance hits NutCracker with the back of her elbow. NutCracker
neck snaps Trance. NutCracker executes a headlock takedown. ]
"Big" Ben Little - Trance
takes a headlock takedown.
[Now Trance standing. Trance trys for
a side slam but is not strong enough to lift NutCracker.NutCracker is locked
in the elbow submission by Trance. Referee Ashlyn Gere is checking for
a tap out. ... ... NutCracker trys
to escape. ... NutCracker trys
to escape. ... (AHHHH!) Trance breaks the hold. Trance sends NutCracker
to ringside. Ashlyn Gere starts the count (.1) Trance throws a chair at
NutCracker. ]
John Davis - This is the best match in the
history of the WORLD!!
[(..2) Trance executes a headlock takedown. ]
"Big" Ben Little - NutCracker
takes a headlock takedown.
[NutCracker climbs to his feet. (...3) NutCracker
hits a jumping elbow hrust on Trance. ]
John Davis - Trance
takes a jumping elbow thrust.
[Trance gets back to her feet. (....4) NutCracker hits a spinning
leg lariat on Trance sending her to the floor. Trance climbs to her feet. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Tony Touch comes
from the crowd and steals the TV title.
“Big” Ben Little –
Damn, the Bastard Squad has taken the title again.
Trance and Nutcracker continue to fight
at ringside until Trance tosses Nutcracker back in. Trance looks over at Tony Touch, Steve Fox then
comes to the ring. He begins to chase Tony Touch around the ring until he eventually catches him and tosses him into the steel
steps taking the title from Tony. Trance looks over with a huge smile on her face. Nutcracker rolls out of the ring and clotheslines
Steve Fox from behind causing him to drop the belt. Trance runs over to Steve Fox, Tony Touch just barely
makes it back to his feet in time to steal the belt again. He runs backstage living Nutcracker alone with Trance and
Steve Fox. Nutcracker kicks Steve Fox in the head.
John Davis – This is getting out of control.
Trance runs over behind Nutcracker and
gives him a low blow. Nutcracker is tossed back into the ring. Steve Fox and Trance enter the ring and begin beating on Nutcracker.
Ashlyn Gere calls for the bell. The attack
continues on Nutracker by Steve Fox and Trance. Referee’s from the
back have to come out and get Trance and Steve Fox off of Nutcracker. Eventually Steve Fox and Trance leave the ring, Steve
lifts Trances arm in the air and walk backstage.
Dragon vs. Tiny Tim vs. Northern Rocker
Intercontinental Championship)
Sam Jenkans
- This match is a Standard Match for the ECFW Intercontinental Championship title. Coming to the ring first, weighing in at
190 pounds, from Unknown, Red Dragon!!!
["Not Falling" By Mudvayne ]
Sam Jenkans - The second in this three way match, weighing in
at 225 pounds, from Fairfield, LA, Tiny Tim!!! (crowd cheers ******)
Around" By Naughy by Nature ]
Sam Jenkans
- And third, weighing in at 319 pounds, from Saskatoon Saskatchewan accompanied by Rachel Lewis
he holds the ECFW Intercontinental Championship title belt, Northern Rocker!!!
["War Pigs" By Black Sabbath Tiny Tim
gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Red Dragon. Northern
Rocker gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Tiny Tim. Northern
Rocker executes a pumphandle suplex on Red Dragon. (the
bell rings) Red Dragon trys for a belly-to-back suplex but is unable to
lift Northern Rocker.Red Dragon executes a ropeflip hiptoss
on Northern Rocker. Northern Rocker stands up. Northern Rocker spinning mule kicks Red Dragon. ]
"Big" Ben Little
- Follows up with a spinning mule kick.
[Northern Rocker executes a corkscrew legdrop on
Red Dragon. ]
John Davis - Northern Rocker executes a corkscrew legdrop.
[Northern Rocker is back on his feet. Northern Rocker rolls onto Red Dragon connecting with a knee. Red Dragon climbs
to his feet. Red Dragon executes a neck-breaker on Northern Rocker. Red Dragon covers Northern Rocker hooking the leg. Ashlyn Gere counts. ...1 ...2 Northern Rocker kicks out. ]
"Big" Ben
Little - That was almost the end of the match right there!
[Now Northern Rocker standing.
Red Dragon sends Northern Rocker to ringside. Ashlyn Gere starts the count
(.1) Red Dragon gets drilled with an inverted back breaker. ]
John Davis - Good inverted
backbreaker by Tiny Tim.
[Tiny Tim and Red Dragon move back into the ring. Northern Rocker with
a falling splash on Red Dragon. Northern Rocker stands up. Red Dragon gets up. Tiny Tim with a jumping
DDT on Northern Rocker. Now Tiny Tim standing. Tiny Tim fist drops Northern Rocker on the mat. Northern Rocker gets up. Northern
Rocker uses a snap mare takeover on Tiny Tim. ]
"Big" Ben Little - Tiny Tim takes a
snap mare.
[Tiny Tim hits a spinning leg lariat on Northern Rocker sending him to the mat. Northern Rocker tackles
Tiny Tim. Tiny Tim moves back to his feet. Tiny Tim trys for a belly-to-back suplex
but is unable to lift Northern Rocker.Tiny Tim delivers a short-arm clothesline to Northern Rocker.
Tiny Tim puts Northern Rocker in an arm grapevine submission. Tiny Tim fist drops Northern Rocker on the mat. Northern Rocker
is up again. Northern Rocker goes for a jumping DDT but Tiny Tim dodges the attack. ]
Ben Little - This is quality sports entertainment!
[Northern Rocker nails the bridging back suplex
on Tiny Tim. ]
John Davis - Good bridging back suplex by
Northern Rocker.
[Now Northern Rocker standing. Tiny Tim gets up. Tiny Tim gets locked in
the painful STF. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... Northern Rocker tightens the hold. ... ... Northern Rocker
tightens the hold. Northern Rocker breaks the hold. Northern Rocker sends Tiny Tim to ringside. ]
"Big" Ben Little
- Now we can get some real action!!
[Ashlyn Gere starts the count
(.1) (..2) Tiny Tim is hit with a backward kick. (...3) Northern Rocker executes a jawbreakeron
Tiny Tim. ]
John Davis - Tiny Tim takes a jawbreaker.
[Northern Rocker gets
up. Red Dragon trys for a bridging back suplex but Northern Rocker avoids
it. They fight into the aisle. (....4) Red Dragon chokes Northern Rocker with a microphone cable. Tiny Tim trys
for a fireman's carry into flapjack but is not strong enough to lift Northern Rocker.(.....5) (......6) Tiny Tim and Northern
Rocker move back to ringside. They head back into the ring. Tiny Tim punches Northern Rocker in the head. Northern Rocker
with an Aztecan suplex on Tiny Tim sends him to the mat. Northern Rocker is back on his feet. Tiny
Tim rakes his fingers across Northern Rocker's back. Tiny Tim uses a snap mare takeover on Northern Rocker. ]
Davis - Northern Rocker takes a snap mare.
[Northern Rocker gets back to his feet. Red Dragon
leg lariats Northern Rocker, sending him to the mat. ]
"Big" Ben Little - leg
[Tiny Tim executes a gut-wrench powerbomb on Red Dragon. Tiny Tim chants start.
John Davis - Good gut-wrench powerbomb by Tiny Tim. Are
you enjoying this match?
"Big" Ben Little - Yeah, you know it.
[Tiny Tim falls
head first into Red Dragon. Tiny Tim chants start. Now Tiny Tim standing. Now Red Dragon standing.
Tiny Tim pulls Red Dragon's hair. Northern Rocker sets Tiny Tim up DDTs him into the mat. Tiny Tim
is up again. Northern Rocker with a huge fisherman buster on Tiny Tim. Northern Rocker moves back
to his feet.
Bracken comes to the ring. He begins
to pace. Northern Rocker looks over at Bracken and smiles. Tiny Tim moves back to his feet. Northern Rocker executes the Supper
DDT on Tiny Tim! Northern Rocker goes for a pin. Bracken pulls Ashlyn Gere
to the floor. Ashlyn Gere looks at Bracken but doesn’t say anything.
Northern Rocker begins to yell at Bracken. He smiles back. Red Dragon comes from behind and goes for a pin on Northern Rocker.
Ashlyn Gere with the count 1…..2…
Northern Rocker kicks out. Bracken gets
up on the apron and punches Northern Rocker. Tiny Tim comes from behind and drops Northern Rocker with a dropkick. Tiny
Tim with the pin. Ashlyn Gere with the count 1……2…..
John Davis – So close
Northern Rocker gets up, Tiny Tim runs
toward his but is tossed out of the ring. Northern Rocker turns around right into Red Dragon. Red Dragon goes for the Dragon
Kick but Northern Rocker ducks. Out of nowhere delivers the Northern Lights Powerbomb to Red Dragon.
Ashlyn Gere with the count
Bracken gets into the ring. He asks for
a mic. I am making a match right now for next week next week. You and your buddy Wave better get
your shit together cause the two of you will be facing Tiny Tim and myself in a tag team match. I
want to personally kick your ass.
John Davis - We've got ourselves a winner!
Sam Jenkans - The winner of this match, and still ECFW Intercontinental Championship
champion, Northern Rocker!!!
“Big” Ben Little
- Oh my god. The man who gave the IC title to
Northern Rocker now wants to get in the ring with him.
Backstage Tony Touch and Nutcraker
are seen in there locker room.
Nutcracker – Those damn AOD assholes.
I sware one day they are going to pay.
Tony – Look on the bright side,
we still have the TV title, and when I beat Surge tonight then I will go to Cyber Carnage for the TV title that we already
Nutcracker –
In a ladder match. Bracken has lost his
mind. I wish I could kick Steve Fox’s ass. Hmm, I wonder if Bracken will sign a match next week, Nutcracker Vs Steve
Fox. Then I can punch those lips off of pucker-up boy.
Tony – Man, Steve is a joke.
He only one his first match tonight. Besides he is with Trance and AOD, they’ve got nothing on us.
Nutcracker – Damn right.
The scene fades as Tony makes his way
out of the locker room headed to the ring.
Touch vs. Surge
Sam Jenkans
- This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 235 pounds, from Perfection, Texas, Tony Touch!!!
["The Mystery of Chessboxin"" ]
Jenkans - and his opponent, weighing in at 245 pounds, from Palo, Alto, California,
Surge!!! (crowd cheers ***)
["Skin" By Breaking Benjamen Surge
gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Tony Touch. Surge
executes a pumphandle suplex on Tony Touch. (ring,
ring, ring) Tony Touch knifehand chops Surge. Surge hits him with a back fist. Tony Touch rakes
the face of Surge in attempt to make a come back. Surge executes a swinging bulldog on Tony Touch driving Tony Touch's face
into the mat. Surge climbs to his feet. Tony Touch gets up. Tony Touch takes a slap to the face from Surge. Surge executes
a jawbreakeron Tony Touch. ]
"Big" Ben Little - Tony Touch takes a jawbreaker.
[Now Surge standing. Tony Touch gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Surge. ]
Davis - diving elbow smash!
[Surge climbs to his feet. Tony Touch gets up. Surge delivers a kick to the head of
Tony Touch. Surge rolls onto Tony Touch connecting with a knee. Tony Touch trys for a headscissors
takeover but Surge avoids it. ]
"Big" Ben Little - The ECFW is the only place to find matches like this!
Touch punches Surge in the head. ]
John Davis - Tony Touch executes a punch.
Touch gets hit with a back heel kick. Tony Touch is up again. Tony Touch executes a swinging bulldog on Surge driving Surge's
face into the mat. Tony Touch climbs to his feet. Surge is up again. Tony Touch hits Surge with the crotch slam. TOUCH OF
DEATH LOCKED IN BY TONY TOUCH!!! Ashlyn Gere asks Surge if he quits. ...
... Surge escapes. Tony Touch sends Surge to ringside. Ashlyn Gere starts
the count (.1) (..2) Tony Touch applies an arm wrench to Surge. (...3) Surge spinning mule kicks
Tony Touch. Tony Touch is back on his feet. (....4) Tony Touch knifehand chops Surge. (.....5) They
head back into the ring. Surge hits Tony Touch with the back of his elbow. Surge uses a snap mare takeover on Tony Touch.
"Big" Ben Little - snap mare!
[Surge hits Tony Touch with a heart punch.
Tony Touch is back on his feet. Surge delivers a kick to the head of Tony Touch. Tony Touch moves back to his feet. Surge with a huge fisherman buster on Tony Touch. Surge chants start. Surge gets back to his feet. Now Tony Touch standing. ]
"Big" Ben Little - What a match! Is this a great match or what?
John Davis - Yeah, you know it.
[Surge slaps Tony Touch. ]
Ben Little - Follows up with a slap.
[Surge gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
Tony Touch covers Surge hooking the leg. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Surge escapes. ]
Davis - Not even close!
[Surge moves back to his feet. Tony Touch takes Surge down with a knee. Tony Touch rolls
onto Surge connecting with a knee. Tony Touch goes for a double underhook suplex
but Surge dodges the attack. Tony Touch hits Surge with the double arm DDT into the mat. Tony Touch is up again. Tony Touch
covers Surge hooking the leg. Ashlyn Gere counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Surge
escapes. ]
"Big" Ben Little - We almost had a winner.
[Surge gets up. Tony Touch grabs Surge's leg and
takes him down, then locks his leg. Ashlyn Gere asks Surge if he quits.
... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) ... Surge is fighting the hold. ... Tony Touch
tightens the hold. Tony Touch breaks the hold. Tony Touch executes a headlock takedown. Tony Touch rolls onto Surge connecting
with a knee. Tony Touch climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on
Surge. Tony Touch grabs Surge and applies an arm wrench. Tony Touch puts a knee to Surge's back and pulls hims
arms back. Ashlyn Gere asks Surge if he quits. ... (AHHHH!)
... Tony Touch tightens the hold. ... ... Tony Touch tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... Surge
is fighting the hold. ... ... ... Tony Touch tightens the hold. Tony Touch lets go. Tony Touch picks up Surge and delivers
the Touch of Death. Ashlyn Gere with the count 1……2……3
Davis - We've got ourselves a winner!
Sam Jenkans
- The winner of this match, Tony Touch!!!
Commercial Break
2 Men... (Shows Hard Stone & Nick)
2 Focuses... (Flashes "2 Focuses")
One man's focus: REVENGE (Shows Nick screwing Hard Stone at King of Kings)
The other man's focus: TO SURVIVE (Shows Nick with a scared look on his face)
men meet, on one historic night. Where both men, both legends, both icons, try to both fulfil their
destiny. (Shows the two staring at each other)
is not Vince McMahon Vs Stone Cold Steve Austin
This is not Ric Flair Vs Stone Cold Steve Austin
This is not Vince McMahon Vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan
This is Nick Vs Hard Stone. This is No DQ. This is... CYBER CARNAGE II
& only on ECFW Pay-Per-View. From the sold out Astrodome in Houston, Texas. 68,000. May 10th, 2003.
Dragon" Xan Xing vs. Eliminator
Guest Referee Andre Lacriox
Sam Jenkans
– This match is a special referee match
On his way to the ring. The special Referee for this match Andre Lacriox.
Fleur De Lles begins to play
Sam Jenkans - On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 210 pounds,
from Xi'an, China a member of "Heresey"
By Nine Inch Nails accompanied by Allen Anderson, "The Dragon" Xan Xing!!!
["The Dragon"
Xan Xing comes to the ring. ]
Sam Jenkans
- and his opponent, weighing in at 277 pounds, from New
York, NY he holds the ECFW
Championship title belt, Eliminator!!!
["Wont back down" by Fuel
Eliminator gets nailed with a charging
axhandle bodyblock from "The Dragon" Xan Xing.
Eliminator walks around the ring. (ring, ring, ring) "The Dragon" Xan Xing
executes a headlock takedown. Eliminator gets up. Eliminator executes a huge gutbuster on "The Dragon"
Xan Xing. Eliminator goes for a pin. Andre Lacriox counts. ...1 "The Dragon"
Xan Xing escapes. ]
"Big" Ben Little - Eliminator should have known he wouldn't win
the match with that.
[Eliminator hits "The Dragon" Xan Xing with a rolling elbow smash to
the face. Eliminator kicks "The Dragon" Xan Xing in the head. "The Dragon" Xan
Xing gets back to his feet. "The Dragon" Xan Xing executes a neck-breaker on Eliminator. "The Dragon"
Xan Xing sucks chants start in the crowd. Eliminator is up again. Eliminator is locked in the elbow
submission by "The Dragon" Xan Xing. The referee is checking the situation. ... Eliminator is fighting
the hold. ... ... (AHHHH!) "The Dragon" Xan Xing breaks the hold. "The
Dragon" Xan Xing sends Eliminator to ringside. Andre Lacriox starts the
count (.1) Eliminator hits "The Dragon" Xan Xing with a slingshot bodyblock.
John Davis - If Eliminator keeps using moves like that slingshot bodyblock
he could win the match!
[Eliminator is back on his feet. They head back into the ring. ]
"Big" Ben Little
- It was a smart move to the ring. "The Dragon" Xan Xing no longer has to watch out for weapons.
[Eliminator leg drops the throat of "The Dragon" Xan Xing. Eliminator sucks chants start
in the crowd. Eliminator and "The Dragon" Xan Xing go to the floor ]
Davis - My God! "The Dragon" Xan Xing could be killed! They've moved to ringside, there's
weapons there!!
[Andre Lacriox starts the count (.1) (..2)
"The Dragon" Xan Xing uses a closed fist on Eliminator. (...3) "The Dragon" Xan
Xing rakes the face of Eliminator in attempt to make a come back. (....4) "The Dragon" Xan Xing
hits Eliminator with the back of his elbow. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. "The Dragon" Xan
Xing and Eliminator move back to ringside. They fight into the aisle. "The Dragon" Xan Xing and
Eliminator move back to ringside. They head back into the ring. "The Dragon" Xan Xing trys
for a belly-to-back suplex but is unable to lift Eliminator.Eliminator
comes from behind and bulldogs "The Dragon" Xan Xing. Eliminator is back on his feet. "The Dragon"
Xan Xing moves back to his feet. Eliminator gets thrown into the turnbuckle. "The Dragon" Xan Xing comes over and smashes Eliminator's head into it. "The Dragon" Xan
Xing executes the jumping sidekick on Eliminator. "The Dragon" Xan Xing goes for a pin. The ref
starts the count. ...1 Eliminator escapes. ]
John Davis - "The Dragon" Xan
Xing should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.
[Eliminator picks up "The Dragon" Xan
Xing and delivers a tilt-a-whirl suplex. ]
John Davis - Did
you see that last move?
"Big" Ben Little - Yeah, you know it.
[Eliminator hits "The Dragon" Xan
Xing with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. ]
John Davis
- Eliminator with a elbowdrop.
[Eliminator gets up. "The Dragon"
Xan Xing is up again. "The Dragon" Xan Xing connects with a flying knee.
Eliminator goes down. Eliminator is back on his feet. "The Dragon" Xan Xing gets thrown into the
turnbuckle. Eliminator comes over and smashes "The Dragon" Xan Xing's head into it. "The Dragon"
Xan Xing gives Eliminator a reverse neckbreaker. "The Dragon" Xan
Xing climbs to his feet. "The Dragon" Xan Xing measures Eliminator up and drops a closed fist. "The
Dragon" Xan Xing gets back to his feet. "The Dragon" Xan Xing covers Eliminator
hooking the leg. Andre Lacriox counts the pin. ...1 Eliminator escapes. ]
"Big" Ben Little
- He should have just stayed on the attack.
[Eliminator stands up. Eliminator goes for a rolling clothesline but "The
Dragon" Xan Xing dodges the attack. Eliminator sends "The Dragon" Xan
Xing to ringside. Andre Lacriox starts the count (.1) Eliminator swings a Steel chair and hits "The
Dragon" Xan Xing. "The Dragon" Xan Xing is bleeding as a result. (..2)
Eliminator uppercuts "The Dragon" Xan Xing. (...3) "The Dragon" Xan Xing
knifehand chops Eliminator. ]
John Davis - Eliminator takes
a knifehand chop.
[(....4) Eliminator gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap
on "The Dragon" Xan Xing. (.....5) "The Dragon" Xan Xing takes Eliminator
into the ring. "The Dragon" Xan Xing connects with a flying knee. Eliminator goes down. Eliminator
is back on his feet. Eliminator does a cartwheel and kicks "The Dragon" Xan Xing in the face. Now "The Dragon" Xan Xing standing. "The Dragon" Xan
Xing executes a swinging bulldog on Eliminator driving Eliminator's face into the mat. "The Dragon" Xan
Xing is back on his feet. Eliminator with a huge super fisherman buster, driving "The Dragon" Xan
Xing into the mat. Eliminator is up again. ]
"Big" Ben Little - What an outstanding match!
kicks "The Dragon" Xan Xing on the mat. "The Dragon" Xan Xing gets up.
Eliminator hits "The Dragon" Xan Xing with an earringer. "The Dragon"
Xan Xing gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Eliminator comes over and smashes "The Dragon" Xan
Xing's head into it. Eliminator hits "The Dragon" Xan Xing with an inverted atomic drop. Eliminator
thrust kicks "The Dragon" Xan Xing in the head. Eliminator nails the Final Say,
Eliminator covers "The Dragon" Xan Xing hooking the leg. Andre Lacriox
counts. ...1 ...2. Andre has his hand up for the 3, he looks at Eliminator. Eliminator looks at him waiting for the 3 count.
Andre stands up.
Eliminator gets off of Xan
Xing and gets into Andre’s face. Both Andre and Eliminator begin to trash talk each other. Xan
Xing is slowly getting back to his feet. Xan Xing grabs the tights of Eliminator and goes for the
pin. Andre with the count 1.2.3.
Eliminator is on his knees in disbelief.
Xan Xing rolls out of the ring.
John Davis – Xan Xing has won this match!
Eliminator walks over to Andre and again
starts the trash talking. Both men are standing there until Eliminator reaches back and takes a swing at Andre. Andre blocks
the punch and delivers one of his own. They are both exchanging punches. Eliminator drops back to the ropes. Andre clotheslines
him over. Eliminator falls to the floor. Andre goes right out after him.
Andre picks up Eliminator and tosses
him into the crowd. Andre climbs over the security barricade. Eliminator delivers a high kick to Andre’s mid section.
Eliminator pulls Andre by the hair through the crowd. Eliminator attempts an irish
whip but Andre reverses it sending Eliminator into the steel door. Eliminator goes though the door leading to the parking
garage. Eliminator picks up a garbage lid and hits Andre over the head with it. Eliminator runs to his car where his driver
his standing there waiting for him
Eliminator opens the door.
Eliminator – GO, GO, GO.
Andre comes running up to the car as
it pulls away and starts yelling in French. Andre stands there with his hands on his hips as the scene fades to black.
Extreme Championship Fatal Wrestling