Sunday Night Suspense
“Welcome to the Jungle” hits the speakers and pictures from last week’s King of Kings PPV flash over
the screen. Bullseye and Malakai holding onto their New Tag Team Titles. Nick interfering
in the IC Title match, and Eliminator becoming the New ECFW World Champion. Chris’s face flashes across the screen
and fireworks shoot off at the ramp. Cameras pan the crowd in Buffalo, NY.
“Big” Ben Little –
Welcome to the sold out HSBC Arena here in chilly Buffalo, NY. Well its been 8 days since an incredible KOK’s
PPV. We have crowned new champs at all the titles.
John Davis – What and event!!!
That was so awesome. It will definitely go down in ECFW history as one of the best PPV’s ever. Congratulations to Eliminator
on becoming the new ECFW World Champion. Thank God Stitches doesn’t have it anymore.
“Seek and Destroy”
hits and Chris appears at the entrance. He strides down shaking the fans hands. He is dressed in a black and blue three piece
suit. He slips through the ropes and is handed a mic.
Chris – Tonight is a very special
night for me. Tonight I will announce a new title that will be given away after Cyber Carnage 2. But first I must congratulate
Eliminator on a spectacular match at KOK where he became the New ECFW World Champion. And to show my appreciation tonight
after the main event we will have an Eliminator Appreciation Ceremony.(Crowd Cheers) Now everyone
wants to know about the new title!!! Well it will be exclusively on Sunday Night Suspense. I am naming
it the ECFW International Championship. Unfortunately, no one will see it until after Cyber Carnage 2.(Crowd
has mixed reaction of cheers and boos) Also at Cyber Carnage 2 we will be having a Hardcore Battle Royal for the Hardcore
Championship. The contestants will be named later this month. And finally starting next Sunday. Sunday
Night Suspense will be conducting a #1 Contenders Tournament for the right to face the USA Champion at Cyber Carnage 2. The
first round is next week beginning with……Bruce Machinko vs. H.A.N., Scott Machinko vs. Andre Machinko, The Phantomlord
vs. Malakai, & Hardstone vs. Kid USA. Good luck to all wrestlers and I hope you enjoy MY show!!!
“Seek and Destroy”
hits and Chris exits the ring. He stops at the top of the ramp and turns around. The music stops. He puts the mic to his mouth.
Chris – Oh I almost forgot……..The
SABRES Suck!!!!!
“Seek and Destroy”
hits and the fans boo as the GM exits the stage.
Pheonix vs. H.A.N (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)
Jenkans - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 315 pounds, from Memphis, TN, H.A.N!!! (crowd boos *****)
[H.A.N comes to the ring. ]
Jenkans - and his opponent, weighing in at 240 pounds, from New Castle,
Pheonix!!! (crowd cheers *********)
[Pheonix walks to the ring. Red Herring is the referee
for this contest. H.A.N checks out the ring. Hard-as-Nails gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock
from Pheonix. (ring, ring, ring) H.A.N pulls Pheonix's hair. Hard-as-Nails gets
taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. ]
John Davis - Pheonix executes a corkscrew armdrag.
[Pheonix applies an arm wrench to H.A.N. Pheonix hits H.A.N with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Pheonix
is up again. H.A.N is back on his feet. Hard-as-Nails kicks Pheonix in the groin. Pheonix nails H.A.N with a belly-to-back
suplex. Pheonix is up again. H.A.N gets up. Pheonix punches H.A.N in the head. Pheonix gets snap suplexed by Hard-as-Nails.
Hard-as-Nails gets back to his feet. ]
"Big" Ben Little - Pheonix could use some help
about now.
[H.A.N hits Pheonix with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. H.A.N gets up. Pheonix executes a headlock
takedown. Hard-as-Nails grabs Pheonix's arm and strkes his chest. Pheonix executes a swinging bulldog on Hard-as-Nails driving
Hard-as-Nails's face into the mat. Pheonix gets back to his feet. Hard-as-Nails gets back to his
feet. Hard-as-Nails tackles Pheonix. H.A.N executes a corkscrew legdrop on Pheonix. ]
Davis - Pheonix takes a corkscrew legdrop.
[H.A.N moves back to his feet. Pheonix gets back to his feet. Mexican
hiptoss executed by H.A.N. Hard-as-Nails sucks chants start in the crowd. Hard-as-Nails puts the
chicken wing on Pheonix. Referee Red Herring is checking for a tap out. ... ... Pheonix trys to escape.
... ... Pheonix trys to escape. Pheonix escapes. H.A.N drags Pheonix to the floor. Red Herring starts
the count (.1) H.A.N throws a chair at Pheonix. H.A.N executes a piledriver on Pheonix. H.A.N sucks chants start in the crowd.
(..2) (...3) Hard-as-Nails uses a lariat on Pheonix. (....4) Pheonix rakes the face of Hard-as-Nails in attempt to make a
come back. (.....5) H.A.N and Pheonix move back into the ring. Hard-as-Nails executes a ropeflip
hiptoss on Pheonix. Pheonix is back on his feet. Pheonix executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Hard-as-Nails. Hard-as-Nails
climbs to his feet. Pheonix short lariats H.A.N. ]
"Big" Ben Little - Hard-as-Nails
takes a short lariat.
[H.A.N stands up. Pheonix knifehand chops Hard-as-Nails. Hard-as-Nails hits
him with a back fist. Hard-as-Nails pokes Pheonix in the eyes. H.A.N hits a kneeling headbutt to
Pheonix's groin. Pheonix grabs H.A.N's head and DDT's him on the mat. Pheonix is up again. ]
Davis - Don't even think of switching the channel.
[Pheonix knees Hard-as-Nails and rolls back to his feet. Pheonix
covers H.A.N. Red Herring counts the pin. ...1 H.A.N escapes. ]
"Big" Ben Little - Pheonix should have known
better than to try for a pin at this point in the match.
[H.A.N stands up. H.A.N gets thrown into the turnbuckle.
Pheonix comes over and smashes H.A.N's head into it. Pheonix executes the jumping sidekick on Hard-as-Nails. Pheonix fist
drops H.A.N on the mat. Pheonix stands up. Pheonix applies an arm wrench to H.A.N. ]
Davis - Pheonix executes a arm wrench.
[Pheonix rolls onto Hard-as-Nails connecting with
a knee. Hard-as-Nails gets up. H.A.N uses a running lariat to take Pheonix down. Pheonix is up again.
H.A.N throws Pheonix off the ropes, rolls on the ground, comes back up and delivers a clothesline. Pheonix moves back to his
feet. H.A.N bounces Pheonix off the ropes and hits him with a jumping clothesline. Hard-as-Nails sucks
chants start in the crowd. Hard-as-Nails lifts Pheonix into the air and delivers a spine buster.
Pheonix moves back to his feet. Hard-as-Nails with a powerful choke lift on Pheonix. Hard-as-Nails with the Flying Elbowdrop
on Pheonix! H.A.N. covers Pheonix. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]
"Big" Ben
Little - H.A.N has won the match!
Sam Jenkans - The winner of this match, H.A.N!!!
Backstage Segment
Owen Nelson – Chris you
asked me back here for a reason, why?
Chris –
Because…….as of tonight Pheonix and H.A.N. are hereby suspended for one week for not cutting any promos. Also Sage Seidon will be taking H.A.N.’s spot in the #1 Contenders
Owen Nelson – Wow what a night!!! We have to go to commercial.
Commercial Break
“Big” Ben Little –
Tonight Sunday Night Suspense is being brought to you by Labatt Blue Imported from Canada. Look up, See BLUE!!!
John Davis – And by Subway
Eat Fresh. Now with 7 subs with 6 grams of fat or less.
Interview with TPL
Owen Nelson – TPL next you
face Big Blue Devil. Will your feud with AoD have an effect on the match?
TPL – Hell No!!! AoD can kiss
my white ass? So can BBD. He thinks he knows what Hell feels like. He has no idea. I will send a message to him.
Owen Nelson – And what would
that be?
TPL – Big Blue Devil……sit
down, buckle up, hold on, and get ready, cause your going for the ride of your life………..straight to HELL!!!
Owen Nelson – Thank you
TPL, back to the action.
Blue Devil vs. The Phantomlord (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)
Jenkans - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 320 pounds, from Hell, Big
Blue Devil!!! (crowd cheers ******)
[Big Blue Devil comes to the ring.
Sam Jenkans - and his opponent, weighing in at 325 pounds, from HELL a member of A.K.A accompanied
by Stitches, The Phantomlord!!! (crowd boos ***********)
[Phantomlord blares over the PA
aswhite smoke spews form the entrance ramp and he strides to the ring. BBD tests out the ropes. BBD gets nailed with a charging
axhandle bodyblock from TPL. (ding, ding, ding) Big Blue Devil throws Phantomlord off the ropes and
hits him with a diving shoulder block. ]
John Davis - TPL takes a diving shoulder block.
[The Phantomlord moves back to his feet. Phantomlord executes a headlock takedown. TPL connects with a flying knee.
BBD goes down. ]
"Big" Ben Little - knee!
[BBD gets up. The Phantomlord executes
a ropeflip hiptoss on BBD. ]
John Davis - BBD takes a ropeflip hiptoss.
Blue Devil gets thrown into the turnbuckle. TPL comes over and smashes Big Blue Devil's head into it. BBD gets hit with a
dragon scerw from Phantomlord. Phantomlord gets back to his feet. The Phantomlord covers BBD. Referee Red Herring makes the
count. ...1 BBD escapes. ]
"Big" Ben Little - He should have just stayed on the attack.
[BBD is back
on his feet. The Phantomlord rakes the face of Big Blue Devil in attempt to make a come back. ]
Davis - face rake!
[Big Blue Devil bounces TPL off the ropes and hits him with a jumping clothesline. TPL gets
locked in the painful STF. The referee is checking the situation. ... Big Blue Devil tightens the hold. ... Big Blue Devil
breaks the hold. BBD hits the handspring moonsault on The Phantomlord. BBD chants start. BBD locks The Phantomlord in the
kneebar. Red Herring is checking for a tap out. ... The Phantomlord trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!)
... ... BBD tightens the hold. BBD breaks the hold. BBD grabs TPL and applies an arm wrench. ]
"Big" Ben Little
- Phantomlord takes a arm wrench.
[Big Blue Devil grabs TPL and applies an arm wrench. TPL
is back on his feet. The Phantomlord chops Big Blue Devil. ]
John Davis - The Phantomlord
executes a chop.
[BBD hits a koppo kick on TPL. Phantomlord hits a spinning leg lariat on Big Blue Devil sending him
to the mat. BBD climbs to his feet. Big Blue Devil drives a forearm into The Phantomlord. BBD gives The Phantomlord the cobra
clutch suplex onto the mat. Big Blue Devil chants start. Big Blue Devil moves back to his feet. BBD locks Phantomlord in the
grapevine submission. Red Herring asks Phantomlord if he quits. ... ... Phantomlord trys to escape.
... Phantomlord escapes. ]
John Davis - Don't even think of switching the channel.
[Big Blue Devil hits the handspring moonsault on Phantomlord. BBD gets up. BBD sends Phantomlord to ringside. ]
Ben Little - Weapons are everywhere all over ringside.
[Red Herring starts the count (.1) (..2)
Big Blue Devil grabs TPL and applies an arm wrench. (...3) TPL nails BBD with a belly-to-back suplex. Phantomlord stands up.
BBD gets up. (....4) Big Blue Devil connects with a flying knee. TPL goes down. ]
Davis - knee!
[(.....5) Big Blue Devil and Phantomlord move back into the ring. BBD grabs Phantomlord and applies
an arm wrench. ]
"Big" Ben Little - BBD executes a arm wrench.
[BBD grabs Phantomlord
and applies an arm wrench. ]
John Davis - The Phantomlord takes a
arm wrench.
[TPL gives BBD the cobra clutch suplex onto the mat. The Phantomlord hits BBD with an elbowdrop. BBD is
up again. BBD uses a snap mare takeover on TPL. BBD grabs Phantomlord and applies an arm wrench. Big Blue Devil grabs TPL
and applies an arm wrench. TPL stands up. TPL executes the jumping sidekick on Big Blue Devil. Big Blue Devil gets up. The
Phantomlord hits Big Blue Devil with the back of his elbow. TPL executes a swinging bulldog on BBD driving BBD's face into
the mat. The Phantomlord stands up. Phantomlord uses a swinging DDT to plant BBD's head into the
mat. ]
"Big" Ben Little - Good swinging DDT by TPL.
[Now TPL standing. TPL
sends BBD into Red Herring, he goes down. The Phantomlord measures BBD up and drops a closed fist. Phantomlord moves back
to his feet. BBD climbs to his feet. Phantomlord knifehand chops Big Blue Devil. The Phantomlord sucks chants start in the
crowd. Glycerin runs to the ring. Glycerin punches BBD repeatedly. Glycerin piledrives Big Blue Devil head first into the
mat. Red Herring gets up.Glycerin nails BBD with a steel chair. Red Herring calls for the bell. Phantomlord has been disqualified.
Davis - We've got ourselves a winner!
Sam Jenkans - The winner of this match, Big Blue Devil!!!
grabs Glycerin and delivers the HELLRAISER to him!!! He grabs BBD and gives him the HELLRAISER too!!! Referees rush to the
ring and order is restored. TPL leaves both men lying in the ring out cold.
Hardstone is seen walking around backstage room to room
looking for Nick. He goes into the restroom but Nick isn’t there. He checks Nick’s office, but nothing. He bumps
into The Warrior and slams Warriors head into a crate. He storms off to keep looking for Nick.
vs. The Hellraisers (Non-Title Match)
Jenkans - This match is a Standard Match tag match. On there way to the ring at this time, Fuel!!!
[Fuel come
to the ring. ]
Sam Jenkans - and their opponents, the team of The
[The Hellraisers walk to the ring. Ashlyn Gere is the referee for this match. Andre Machinko drops
Syphon with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Syphon tests out the ropes. (ring, ring, ring) They lockup. Andre Machinko sends Syphon to the corner of the ring. Andre Machinko tackles Syphon to the
mat. Andre Machinko gets up. A side kick by Syphon turns the match around by knocking Andre Machinko to the mat. Andre Machinko
stands up. Syphon gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Andre Machinko. ]
Davis - Andre Machinko with a fireman's carry.
[Syphon climbs to his feet. Syphon tags Glycerin. Andre Machinko
jabs Glycerin. Andre Machinko tags Kid Machinko. Glycerin kicks Kid Machinko on the mat. ]
"Big" Ben Little
- Kid Machinko takes a stomp.
[Kid Machinko executes a huge gutbuster on Glycerin. Kid Machinko stomps Glycerin's
head. Glycerin gets hit with the shooting star press from Kid Machinko. The ref starts the count. ...1 Glycerin kicks out.
John Davis - Kid Machinko should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.
[Glycerin stands up. Andre Machinko tagged in by Kid Machinko. Kid Machinko puts Glycerin on the turnbuckle and executes
a belly-to-belly superplex. ]
"Big" Ben Little - Come on ref! Do something!! Glycerin is being double teamed!
[Kid Machinko hits Glycerin with the back of his elbow. ]
John Davis - Kid
Machinko with a back elbow.
[Kid Machinko tagged in by Andre Machinko. Andre Machinko gouges Glycerin's eyes out.
"Big" Ben Little - Come on ref! Do something!! Glycerin is being double teamed!
[Andre Machinko pokes
Glycerin in the eyes. Kid Machinko tags in Andre Machinko. Andre Machinko hits Glycerin with an earringer. Andre Machinko
tags Kid Machinko. Kid Machinko hiptosses Glycerin. Kid Machinko knifehand chops Glycerin. ]
Davis - Glycerin is being double teamed!
[Kid Machinko tackles Glycerin. Now Glycerin standing.
Glycerin kicks Kid Machinko in the head. Kid Machinko is up again. Kid Machinko pulls Glycerin's hair. Kid Machinko chops
Glycerin. ]
John Davis - chop!
[Kid Machinko brings in Andre Machinko for The
Hellraisers. Glycerin picks Andre Machinko up in a fireman's carry and flapjacks him. Andre Machinko climbs to his feet. Glycerin
and Andre Machinko go to the floor Ashlyn Gere starts the count (.1) Glycerin nails Andre Machinko with a springboard dropkick.
"Big" Ben Little - Good springboard dropkick by Glycerin.
[Glycerin climbs
to his feet. Glycerin takes Andre Machinko into the ring. ]
John Davis - It was a smart
move to the ring. Andre Machinko no longer has to watch out for weapons.
[Glycerin gives Andre Machinko the cobra
clutch suplex onto the mat. Glycerin moves back to his feet. Glycerin rolls onto Andre Machinko connecting with a knee. Glycerin
runs in and leg drops Andre Machinko. Andre Machinko piledrives Glycerin. Andre Machinko executes
the German suplex on Glycerin. Andre Machinko is up again. Glycerin gets up. Andre Machinko tombstones Glycerin
onto the mat. Glycerin is out cold! Andre Machinko Machinko Slams Glycerin onto the ground. He makes the cover. Ashlyn
Gere counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]
Sam Jenkans - The winners of this match, The Hellraisers!!!
Interview with
Owen Nelson – Sage and JR
Rose you guys have a chance to get even with the AoD. If you win you get a rematch for the titles next week. Will you win?
Sage – Yeah no doubt!!! Next Question?
Rose – Wait a minute! We underestimated
them at KOK and got our asses handed to us. But not tonight we have backup.
Just then Bullseye and Malakai attack Sage and
Rose. They leave them lying in a pool of their own blood. Beaten and battered.
Owen Nelson – AoD what the
hell is the meaning of this?
Bullseye – Now that our opponents
have been taken care of we can rest easy the rest of the night.
“Seek and Destroy”
hits and Chris makes his way to the ring. He grabs a mic and speaks.
Chris – Bullseye and Malakai,
you should know better than to attack someone on MY show!!! No one gets away with it. Since Rose and Seidon can’t obviously
compete tonight Stitches and TPL will take their place.
Bullseye and Malakai are furious they storm off
to get ready for their match.
Crusaders vs. Tony Touch & NutCracker (Non-Title Match)
Jenkans - This match is a Standard Match tag match. On there way to the ring at this time, The Crusaders!!!
Crusaders come to the ring. ]
Sam Jenkans - and their opponents,
the team of Tony Touch & NutCracker.
[Tony Touch & NutCracker walk to the ring. Ashlyn Gere is the
referee for this match. Bruce Machinko tests out the ropes. Tony Touch drops Bruce Machinko with a Gorilla Press Slam on the
mat. (the bell rings) Bruce Machinko punches Tony Touch repeatedly. Tony slaps the face of Bruce
Machinko. Touch connects with a flying knee. Bruce Machinko goes down. Tony tags in NutCracker. Bruce Machinko gets hit with
a diving elbow smash from Tony Touch. ]
"Big" Ben Little - Bruce Machinko is being double teamed!
Machinko clotheslines Touch. Bruce Machinko tags Scott Machinko. NutCracker clotheslines Scott. NutCracker executes the jumping
sidekick on Scott. Scott brings in Bruce Machinko for The Crusaders. NutCracker pulls Bruce Machinko's hair. ]
Davis - hair pull!
[Touch tagged in by NutCracker. Bruce Machinko gets hit with a back heel kick. Tony Touch jumps
off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Bruce Machinko. Tony gets back to his feet. Scott tagged in by Bruce Machinko.
Bruce Machinko punches Tony Touch repeatedly. ]
"Big" Ben Little - Come on ref! Do something!! Tony Touch is
being double teamed!
[Touch executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Bruce Machinko. Tony Touch climbs to his
feet. Scott tags Bruce Machinko. Bruce Machinko piledrives Touch. Bruce Machinko piledrives Tony.
They lockup. Scott Machinko sends Tony to the corner of the ring. ]
Davis - This is just awefull! Touch is being double teamed!
[Tony goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash
on Scott. ]
"Big" Ben Little - flying sitdown splash!
[Tony moves back to his
feet. Bruce Machinko tags Scott Machinko. Touch kicks Scott on the mat. ]
John Davis
- stomp!
[Scott is up again. Scott brings in Bruce Machinko for The Crusaders. Tony Touch dazed by the turnbuckle,
Bruce Machinko leaps off, diving over Tony's head,pulling off a neckbreaker ]
"Big" Ben Little - If Bruce Machinko
keeps using moves like that flying somersault neckbreaker he could win the match!
[Bruce Machinko sends Tony Touch
to ringside. ]
John Davis - Weapons are everywhere all over ringside.
Gere starts the count (.1) ]
"Big" Ben Little - What an outstanding match! Is this
a great match or not?
John Davis - Oh yeah!
[(..2) Bruce Machinko hits Tony with an elbowdrop. Bruce
Machinko gets back to his feet. Tony is up again. (...3) Tony catches Bruce Machinko's leg, but Bruce Machinko reverses it
with an enzuigiri to Tony Touch's head. Tony Touch is up again. (....4) Bruce Machinko gets taken down with an armdrag takedown.
Bruce Machinko gets back to his feet. (.....5) Bruce Machinko takes Tony Touch into the ring. Bruce Machinko executes a ropeflip
hiptoss on Touch. Bruce Machinko hits Tony Touch with an elbowdrop. Tony Touch makes the tag to NutCracker. Touch suplexes
Bruce Machinko. Tony sets Bruce Machinko up DDTs him into the mat. ]
"Big" Ben Little - This is just awefull!
Bruce Machinko is being double teamed!
[Touch is back on his feet. Tony Touch applies the clawhold on Bruce Machinko.
NutCracker tags Tony Touch. Tony Touch gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Bruce Machinko slaps both sides of Tony's
head out of desperation. Bruce Machinko sets Touch up on the top rope, then he powerbombs him onto the mat! Bruce Machinko
chants start. Tony is up again. Bruce Machinko sends Touch to ringside. Ashlyn Gere starts the count (.1) (..2)
Bruce Machinko gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Touch. (...3) Bruce Machinko jumps off the turnbuckle
with the flying bodypress on Touch. Bruce Machinko is up again. (....4) Bruce Machinko jumps and elbow smashes the lying Tony.
John Davis - Tony takes a diving elbow smash.
[Bruce Machinko stands up.
Tony is up again. (.....5) Tony Touch takes Bruce Machinko into the ring. Touch with a high crossbody on Bruce Machinko. ]
Ben Little - high cross body!
[Tony climbs to his feet. Bruce Machinko brings in Scott
for The Crusaders. Scott chops Tony. ]
John Davis - Scott Machinko with a chop.
rakes the face of Touch in attempt to make a come back. Scott Machinko brings in Bruce Machinko for The Crusaders. Bruce Machinko
gets back to his feet. Bruce Machinko hits a flying karate chop right to Tony Touch's neck. Bruce Machinko hits a jumping
elbow hrust on Tony Touch. ]
"Big" Ben Little - Bruce Machinko executes a jumping elbow thrust.
kick by Tony takes Bruce Machinko down. ]
John Davis - Tony with a flying kick.
tagged in by Tony Touch. Flying somersault drop kick by Bruce Machinko puts him back in the match. Bruce Machinko stands up.
Bruce Machinko brings in Scott Machinko for The Crusaders. Scott hits NutCracker with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
Scott Machinko is up again. Scott Machinko fist drops NutCracker on the mat. NutCracker is back on his feet. NutCracker takes
Scott off his feet with a short-arm clothesline Scott moves back to his feet. Scott Machinko hits NutCracker with the crotch
slam. Scott chants start. Scott Machinko locks NutCracker in the kneebar. Ashlyn Gere asks NutCracker if he quits. ... Scott
Machinko tightens the hold. ... ... Scott Machinko breaks the hold. Scott Machinko drags NutCracker to the floor. ]
Ben Little - Scott Machinko can't get a pin at ringside.
[Ashlyn Gere starts the count (.1) Scott Machinko chokes
NutCracker with a microphone cable. NutCracker stands up. (..2) NutCracker hits Scott with a baba chop. ]
Davis - Scott takes a baba chop.
[(...3) Scott Machinko hits NutCracker with the back of his elbow. (....4) NutCracker
gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Scott comes over and smashes NutCracker's head into it. (.....5) Scott Machinko and NutCracker
move back into the ring. Scott nails NutCracker with a belly-to-back suplex. Now Scott standing.
NutCracker makes the tag to Tony Touch. Tony gouges Scott Machinko's eyes out. Tony gives Scott Machinko a reverse neckbreaker.
NutCracker suplexes Scott. ]
"Big" Ben Little - This is just awefull! Scott Machinko
is being double teamed!
[NutCracker is up again. NutCracker executes a jawbreakeron Scott Machinko. Now
NutCracker standing. Tony Touch makes the tag to NutCracker. NutCracker puts Scott Machinko in an arm grapevine submission.
NutCracker tags Tony Touch. Touch rolls onto Scott Machinko connecting with a knee. Tony Touch hits Scott Machinko with an
elbowdrop. ]
John Davis - elbowdrop!
[Touch gets back to his feet. Scott Machinko
climbs to his feet. Scott goes for a tilt-a-whirl suplex but Touch dodges the attack. Scott and Touch go to the floor Ashlyn
Gere starts the count (.1) Scott cuts Touch with a blade. Touch is bleeding as a result. Scott goes for a cobra clutch suplex
but Tony dodges the attack. (..2) (...3) Scott executes a headlock takedown. Touch moves back to his feet. (....4) Scott knifehand
chops Tony Touch. ]
"Big" Ben Little - Scott Machinko executes a knifehand chop.
[(.....5) They
head back into the ring. Scott Machinko connects with a flying knee. Tony goes down. Tony moves back to his feet. Scott uses
a closed fist on Tony. ]
John Davis - punch!
[Scott executes a ropeflip hiptoss
on Tony. ]
"Big" Ben Little - Scott
Machinko with a ropeflip hiptoss.
[Scott covers Touch. Referee Ashlyn Gere makes the count. ...1
...2 Touch escapes. ]
John Davis - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Tony.
[Tony gets up. Tony tags in NutCracker. NutCracker gets
taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Scott Machinko covers NutCracker hooking the leg. Ashlyn Gere counts. ...1 ...2 NutCracker
escapes. ]
"Big" Ben Little - Scott Machinko should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.
[Now NutCracker standing. Tony tagged in by NutCracker. Scott Machinko executes the jumping sidekick on
Touch. Scott Machinko goes for a pin. Referee Ashlyn Gere makes the count. ...1 Tony Touch kicks out. ]
Davis - He should have just stayed on the attack.
[Tony Touch gets back to his feet. Scott Machinko makes the
tag to Bruce Machinko. Scott Machinko picks up Touch and executes the cradle DDT. Scott Machinko does a handspring and hits
Tony Touch with a bodyblock, what a move! Bruce Machinko off the top rope with a somersault legdrop onto
Touch's chest. ]
"Big" Ben Little - This is just awefull! Tony is being double teamed!
hits Bruce Machinko with the Asai moonsault bodyblock. Tony slingshot elbow drops Bruce Machinko. Tony puts the chicken wing
on Bruce Machinko. Ashlyn Gere is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... Bruce
Machinko trys to escape. ... ... Bruce Machinko is fighting the hold. Bruce Machinko escapes. Touch hits an electrifying
flying sommersault headbutt on Bruce Machinko. ]
John Davis - Good flying sommersault
headbutt by Touch.
[Touch gets back to his feet. Bruce Machinko is locked in the half Boston
by Touch. Ashlyn Gere is checking for a tap out. ... Touch tightens the hold. ... Touch tightens the hold. ... Bruce Machinko
is fighting the hold. ... (AHHHH!) Touch breaks the hold. ]
"Big" Ben Little - What
an outstanding match!
[Bruce Machinko tags Scott Machinko. Touch goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps
Scott. Touch gets back to his feet. Scott tags Bruce Machinko. Bruce Machinko suplexes Tony. ]
John Davis - This is just awefull! Touch is being double teamed!
[Bruce Machinko
gets up. Bruce Machinko elbow smashes Tony Touch in the nose. ]
"Big" Ben Little -
elbow smash!
[Tony tags NutCracker. Bruce Machinko gets drilled with an inverted back breaker. Bruce Machinko stands
up. NutCracker uses a lariat on Bruce Machinko. Bruce Machinko is back on his feet. NutCracker executes a neck-breaker on
Bruce Machinko. Bruce Machinko climbs to his feet. NutCracker executes a gut-wrench powerbomb on Bruce Machinko. Bruce Machinko
stands up. NutCracker thrust kicks Bruce Machinko in the head. NutCracker puts Bruce Machinko in the NutCruncher. Bruce Machinko
taps out!!! Referee Ashlyn Gere calls for the bell.
Sam Jenkans - The winners of this match, Tony Touch &
Interview with Trent Davidson
Owen Nelson – Trent
how does it feel to be here on Sunday Night Suspense tonight?
Trent – Feels great. But what’s up with Chris. What a bitch!!!
Just then Chris walks by and hears the comment. He gets in Trent’s face.
Chris – What the hell did
you say?
Trent – Back off bitch!!!
Chris – Get the hell off
MY show and the hell out of MY arena!!!
Trent turns around and stops he smacks Chris over the head with the TV Title and leaves.
& Malakai vs. Stitches & The Phantomlord (Non-Title Match)
Jenkans - This match is a Standard Match tag match. On there way to the ring at this time, Bullseye & Malakai!!!
& Malakai come to the ring. ]
Sam Jenkans - and their opponents, the team of Stitches
& The Phantomlord.
[Stitches & The Phantomlord walk to the ring. Ashlyn Gere is the
referee for this match. Malakai gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Stitches. Malakai executes a pumphandle
suplex on Stitches. (ding, ding, ding) Stitches clotheslines Malakai. Stitches tags The Phantomlord.
Phantomlord punches Malakai in the head. Spinning neck-breaker from Stitches takes Malakai down. ]
Davis - This is just awefull! Malakai is being double teamed!
[Malakai hits Stitches with the back of his elbow.
Malakai tags Bullseye. The Phantomlord grabs Bullseye and applies an arm wrench. Phantomlord fist drops Bullseye on the mat.
"Big" Ben Little - TPL executes a fist drop.
[Phantomlord knees Bullseye and rolls back to his feet.
The Phantomlord brings in Stitches for Stitches & The Phantomlord. They lockup.
Bullseye sends Stitches to the corner of the ring. ]
John Davis - weak move!
tags Malakai. Stitches short-arm clotheslines Malakai to the mat. Malakai superkicks Stitches. Stitches uses a closed fist on Malakai. ]
"Big" Ben Little - punch!
[Stitches tags in The Phantomlord. Malakai does a cartwheel and kicks Phantomlord in the face. Stitches tagged in
by Phantomlord. Stitches executes a swinging bulldog on Malakai driving Malakai's face into the mat.
Now Stitches standing. Phantomlord tagged in by Stitches. Malakai punches The Phantomlord repeatedly. Malakai brings in Bullseye
for Bullseye & Malakai. Bullseye gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. ]
"Big" Ben Little - Phantomlord
executes a corkscrew armdrag.
[TPL hits Bullseye with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Phantomlord stands
up. The Phantomlord grabs Bullseye and applies an arm wrench. ]
John Davis - The Phantomlord
with a arm wrench.
[Bullseye brings in Malakai for Bullseye & Malakai. Malakai runs and tackles TPL. Malakai punches
him in the head. The Phantomlord short lariats Malakai. Malakai tags Bullseye. Phantomlord fist drops
Bullseye on the mat. Now TPL standing. The Phantomlord hits Bullseye with an elbowdrop. Phantomlord
climbs to his feet. The Phantomlord gives Bullseye a reverse neckbreaker. TPL gets back to his feet. Bullseye gets back to
his feet. Bullseye uses a swinging DDT to plant The Phantomlord's head into the mat. Bullseye stands
up. Bullseye sends Phantomlord to ringside. Ashlyn Gere starts the count (.1) (..2) Bullseye fist
drops The Phantomlord on the floor. Bullseye is back on his feet. Phantomlord gets up. (...3) Phantomlord chops Bullseye.
John Davis - Phantomlord executes a chop.
[(....4) The Phantomlord executes
a headlock takedown. (.....5) TPL takes Bullseye into the ring. TPL knees Bullseye and rolls back to his feet. Bullseye climbs
to his feet. TPL gets hit with a dragon scerw from Bullseye. ]
John Davis - dragon
[Bullseye stands up. Bullseye gets hit with a dragon scerw from Phantomlord. ]
"Big" Ben Little
- Bullseye takes a dragon screw.
[Stitches tagged in by TPL. Stitches measures Bullseye up and drops a closed fist.
John Davis - Stitches with a fist drop.
[Stitches gets
up. Bullseye stands up. Bullseye executes a swinging bulldog on Stitches driving Stitches's face into the mat. Bullseye climbs
to his feet. Stitches stands up. Stitches goes for a airplane spin toss
but Bullseye dodges the attack. Stitches sends Bullseye to ringside. ]
"Big" Ben Little
- If Bullseye or Stitches could get a weapon it would change the course of this match.
[Ashlyn Gere starts the count
(.1) ]
John Davis - The floor is covered with blood from that injury.
Stitches short lariats Bullseye. Bullseye gets up. (...3) Bullseye short lariats Stitches. (....4)
Bullseye hits Stitches with an elbowdrop. ]
"Big" Ben Little - elbowdrop!
They head back into the ring. Bullseye grabs Stitches and applies an arm wrench. Bullseye rolls onto
Stitches connecting with a knee. Stitches is up again. Bullseye knocks Stitches out with a tilt-a-whirl
powerslam. Bullseye sucks chants start in the crowd. Bullseye runs in and leg drops Stitches. Bullseye brings in Malakai for
Bullseye & Malakai. Stitches punches Malakai repeatedly. Malakai tags Bullseye. Bullseye chops
Stitches. Stitches tags in TPL. Bullseye hits The Phantomlord with the back of his elbow. ]
Davis - back elbow!
[Malakai tagged in by Bullseye. The Phantomlord nails Malakai with a belly-to-back suplex.
TPL gets up. The Phantomlord goes for a pin. Ashlyn Gere counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Malakai kicks out. ]
"Big" Ben
Little - Not even close!
[Malakai gets up. The Phantomlord makes the tag to Stitches. Stitches
slaps Malakai in the face. Stitches gets back to his feet. Malakai makes the tag to Bullseye.
Bullseye hits a spinning leg lariat on Stitches sending him to the mat. Bullseye covers Stitches. Ashlyn Gere counts the pin.
...1 ...2 Stitches escapes. ]
John Davis - Not even close!
[Stitches stands up. The Phantomlord tagged in by Stitches. The Phantomlord executes the jumping sidekick on Bullseye.
Bullseye is nailed with a waistlock suplex from Stitches. Phantomlord takes Bullseye down with a knee. ]
"Big" Ben
Little - Bullseye is being double teamed!
[Bullseye gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Phantomlord comes over and
smashes Bullseye's head into it. The Phantomlord tags Stitches. Bullseye nails Stitches with a belly-to-back suplex. Bullseye
tags Malakai. They lockup. Stitches sends Malakai to the corner of the ring.
The Phantomlord tagged in by Stitches. Malakai nails TPL with a belly-to-back suplex. Malakai kicks Phantomlord on the mat.
TPL gets hit with the shooting star press from Malakai. The ref starts the count. ...1 Phantomlord kicks out. ]
Davis - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like TPL.
chops TPL. TPL tags in Stitches. Malakai knifehand chops Stitches. ]
"Big" Ben Little - Malakai with a knifehand
[Malakai hiptosses Stitches. ]
John Davis - Malakai with a hiptoss.
tagged in by Malakai. Bullseye fist drops Stitches on the mat. Bullseye is back on his feet. Bullseye makes the tag to Malakai.
Malakai stomps Stitches. Malakai tags in Bullseye. Bullseye hits Stitches with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Stitches makes the tag to TPL. Stitches clotheslines Bullseye. ]
"Big" Ben Little - This
is just awefull! Bullseye is being double teamed!
[Bullseye rolls onto Stitches connecting with a knee. TPL tags in
Stitches. The Phantomlord executes a swinging bulldog on Bullseye driving Bullseye's face into the mat. ]
Ben Little - Bullseye is being double teamed!
[Bullseye executes a headlock takedown. Stitches
makes the tag to TPL. TPL gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. TPL tags Stitches. Stitches climbs to his feet.
Bullseye springboard DDT's Stitches onto the mat! Bullseye stands up. Bullseye locks Stitches in the kneebar. Ashlyn Gere
asks Stitches if he quits. ... Stitches is fighting the hold. ... (AHHHH!)
Stitches escapes. Bullseye drags Stitches to the floor. Ashlyn Gere starts the count (.1)
John Davis - Don't even think of switching the channel.
"Big" Ben Little - The floor
is covered with blood from that injury.
[(..2) Stitches uses a snap mare takeover on Bullseye.
(...3) Stitches hits a spinning leg lariat on Bullseye sending him to the floor. Bullseye gets back
to his feet. (....4) Bullseye rakes the face of Stitches in attempt to make a come back. (.....5) Stitches and Bullseye move
back into the ring. Stitches executes a jawbreakeron Bullseye. Stitches moves back to his feet. Malakai
tagged in by Bullseye. Bullseye sets Stitches up DDTs him into the mat. Malakai executes the front-layout suplex on Stitches.
Malakai with an exploder suplex on Stitches. ]
"Big" Ben Little - Stitches is being
double teamed!
[Malakai executes a huge gutbuster on Stitches. Stitches stands up. Stitches
bites Malakai's arm out of desparation. Malakai tags Bullseye. They lockup. Bullseye sends Stitches
to the corner of the ring. Bullseye piledrives Stitches. ]
John Davis - This is just
awefull! Stitches is being double teamed!
[Stitches puts Bullseye
in an arm grapevine submission. Bullseye gets back to his feet. Bullseye uses a closed fist on Stitches. Stitches
brings in TPL for Stitches & The Phantomlord. Stitches hits Bullseye with the crotch slam. Stitches
executes a headlock takedown. ]
"Big" Ben Little - This is just awefull! Bullseye is being double teamed!
[Stitches gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Bullseye comes over and smashes Stitches's head
into it. TPL brings in Stitches for Stitches & The Phantomlord. Bullseye executes a ropeflip
hiptoss on Stitches. Bullseye grabs Stitches and applies an arm wrench. Bullseye tags in Malakai. Malakai stomps Stitches's
head. Stitches gets hit with the shooting star press from Malakai. Ashlyn Gere counts. ...1 Stitches
escapes. ]
John Davis - Not even close!
[Stitches moves back to his feet. Stitches
tags in TPL. Malakai stomps The Phantomlord's head. Malakai tags Bullseye. Phantomlord goes for a power move but Bullseye
dodges the attack. The Phantomlord drags Bullseye to the floor. Ashlyn Gere starts the count (.1) (..2)
The Phantomlord hits a spinning leg lariat on Bullseye sending him to the floor. (...3) TPL grabs Bullseye and applies an
arm wrench. ]
"Big" Ben Little - The Phantomlord executes a arm wrench.
Phantomlord hits Bullseye with an elbowdrop. Phantomlord is back on his feet. Bullseye is back on his feet. (.....5) Bullseye
takes Phantomlord into the ring. Bullseye executes the jumping sidekick on Phantomlord. Malakai tagged in by Bullseye. Malakai
kicks The Phantomlord on the mat. Malakai tags Bullseye. Bullseye knees Phantomlord and rolls back to his feet. Malakai dives
head first into The Phantomlord. ]
John Davis - Come on ref! Do something!! Phantomlord
is being double teamed!
[Malakai kicks TPL on the mat. ]
"Big" Ben Little -
The Phantomlord takes a stomp.
[TPL gets up. Bullseye brings in Malakai for Bullseye & Malakai. Phantomlord gives
Malakai a reverse neckbreaker. Phantomlord moves back to his feet. Phantomlord tags in Stitches. Phantomlord runs in and leg
drops Malakai. The Phantomlord fist drops Malakai on the mat. ]
John Davis - Malakai
is being double teamed!
[Phantomlord applies an arm wrench to Malakai. The Phantomlord covers Malakai. Ashlyn Gere
counts. ...1 ...2 Malakai kicks out. ]
"Big" Ben Little - He should have just stayed on the attack.
[Now Malakai standing. Stitches makes the tag to The Phantomlord. Stitches hits
a running forearm smash on Malakai's face. TPL executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Malakai. Stitches hiptosses
Malakai. ]
John Davis - Malakai is being double teamed!
[Malakai hits
a running forearm smash on Stitches's face. Malakai sucks chants start in the crowd. Malakai wraps his legs around Stitches's
neck and puts him in the figure-four sleeper. Ashlyn Gere is checking for a tap out. ... Stitches is
fighting the hold. ... (AHHHH!) Stitches escapes. Malakai and Stitches go
to the floor Ashlyn Gere starts the count (.1) Malakai chokes Stitches with a microphone cable. ]
"Big" Ben Little - Blood is all over ringside.
[(..2) Malakai stomps Stitches. Stitches climbs to his
feet. (...3) Stitches tackles and begins punching Malakai. (....4) Stitches puts Malakai in an arm
grapevine submission. ]
John Davis - arm grapevine!
[Malakai stands up. (.....5)
Malakai and Stitches move back into the ring. Stitches get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Malakai. ]
Ben Little - Malakai executes a double axhandle chop.
[Stitches is up again. Malakai
pulls Stitches's hair. Malakai tags Bullseye. Bullseye gives Phantomlord a reverse neckbreaker. Bullseye nails TPL with a
double underhook suplex. ]
John Davis - Come on ref! Do something!! TPL is being double
[TPL rakes the face of Bullseye in attempt to make a come back. ]
Ben Little - Bullseye takes a face rake.
[Bullseye brings in Malakai for Bullseye & Malakai. Malakai shoulder
tackles Phantomlord. Now Malakai standing. Phantomlord is back on his feet. Phantomlord tags Stitches.
Malakai applies the clawhold on Stitches. Stitches gouges Malakai's eyes out. Stitches
brings in Phantomlord for Stitches & The Phantomlord. Malakai executes a jawbreakeron TPL. ]
Davis - jawbreaker!
[Malakai stands up. Stitches tagged in by The Phantomlord. The Phantomlord punches Malakai
repeatedly. ]
"Big" Ben Little - Malakai is being double teamed!
[The Phantomlord gets back to his feet.
The Phantomlord knocks Malakai out with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam. Malakai is back on his feet. Malakai tags Bullseye. Malakai
spins aroround Stitches's back and DDT's him into the mat. Malakai executes a spinning DDT, planting Stitches's head in the
mat. Malakai bounces Stitches off the ropes and clotheslines him. ]
John Davis - Stitches
is being double teamed!
[Stitches hits Malakai with the back of his elbow. ]
Ben Little - back elbow!
[Malakai uses a lariat on Stitches. Stitches makes the tag to
Phantomlord. Phantomlord hits Bullseye with the crotch slam. Stitches suplexes Bullseye. ]
Davis - Bullseye is being double teamed!
[Stitches moves back to his feet. Stitches pulls
Bullseye's hair. The Phantomlord makes the tag to Stitches. The Phantomlord knifehand chops Bullseye. The
Phantomlord short lariats Bullseye. The Phantomlord executes a springboard bulldog, slamming Bullseye's head onto the
mat. ]
"Big" Ben Little - Come on ref! Do something!! Bullseye is being double teamed!
[Bullseye trys
for a spinebuster bomb but The Phantomlord avoids it. ]
John Davis - What an outstanding
[The Phantomlord trys for a bridging back suplex but Bullseye avoids it. ]
Ben Little - TPL is doing quite well at this point in the match.
[Bullseye nails The Phantomlord with an
inverted DDT. Bullseye gets back to his feet. Bullseye covers TPL. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 TPL escapes.
John Davis - Bullseye almost won the match!
[The Phantomlord is up again. ]
"Big" Ben Little - The ECFW is the number one wrestling program on television.
nails the bridging back suplex on Phantomlord. Bullseye and The Phantomlord go to the floor Ashlyn Gere starts the count (.1)
Bullseye throws a chair at The Phantomlord. The Phantomlord moves back to his feet. (..2) Bullseye gets taken down with a
corkscrew armdrag. (...3) Phantomlord rolls onto Bullseye connecting with a knee. (....4) Phantomlord fist drops Bullseye
on the floor. Phantomlord is up again. Bullseye gets up. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Bullseye and Phantomlord move
back to ringside. Bullseye takes Phantomlord into the ring. Bullseye knifehand chops Phantomlord. Stitches
makes the tag to Phantomlord. Bullseye connects with a flying knee. Phantomlord goes down. Malakai tagged in by Bullseye.
Malakai stomps Phantomlord's head. ]
"Big" Ben Little - Malakai executes a stomp.
[Malakai tags Bullseye.
Malakai piledrives Phantomlord into the mat. Bullseye hits TPL with an elbowdrop. Malakai
with a falling splash on TPL. ]
John Davis - This is just awefull! Phantomlord
is being double teamed!
[Malakai stomps The Phantomlord's head. The Phantomlord tags Stitches. Stitches hits Bullseye
with a baba chop. Bullseye gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. ]
"Big" Ben Little - Bullseye is being
double teamed!
[Bullseye gets taken down with an armdrag takedown. Bullseye tags in Malakai. Malakai hits him with
a back fist. Malakai nails Stitches with a belly-to-back suplex. Malakai gets up. Stitches climbs to his feet. Stitches tags
in The Phantomlord. Stitches rakes his fingers across Malakai's back. ]
"Big" Ben Little
- Come on ref! Do something!! Malakai is being double teamed!
[Stitches uses a lariat on
Malakai. Stitches measures Malakai up and drops a closed fist. Stitches is up again. Stitches
executes the jumping sidekick on Malakai. Stitches measures Malakai up and drops a closed fist. ]
Davis - fist drop!
[Now Stitches standing. Stitches puts Malakai in an arm grapevine
submission. Stitches covers Malakai. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Malakai escapes. ]
Ben Little - Stitches should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.
[Malakai moves back to his feet.
Stitches nails Malakai with a belly-to-back suplex. Malakai is up again. Malakai picks up Stitches
and hits him with a Back Suplex. Malakai sucks chants start in the crowd. Malakai gets up. Malakai drags Stitches to the floor.
Ashlyn Gere starts the count (.1) ]
John Davis - My God I've never seen anything like
[Malakai stomps Stitches's head. Malakai sucks chants start in the crowd. Malakai kicks Stitches on the floor.
Stitches climbs to his feet. TPL takes Malakai into the ring. Malakai low blows TPL. He grabs his
Tag Title and smacks TPL over the head with it. Ashlyn Gere calls for the bell. ring, ring, ring!
Malakai was disqualified. ]
Sam Jenkans - The winners of this match, Stitches &
The Phantomlord!!!
Backstage Segment
Andre Machinko is seen taking a shower. A knock
comes at the door and Andre goes to answer it. Big Blue Devil comes slamming through the door and throws Andre into a locker.
He picks him up and delivers a power bomb to him through a table. BBD goes for the cover. Red Herring makes the count….1…….2…….3.
Big Blue Devil grabs the Hardcore Title and gets the Hell out of there.
Commercial Break
John Davis – Tonight’s
main event is brought to you by Bob Crestwood Ford. Right here in Downtown Buffalo. For all your
new and used car needs visit Bob Crestwood Ford. Built Ford Tough!!!
Ben Little – And by Yahoo! For Email,
Games and all your internet needs go to YAHOO.COM!!!!!!!!
Backstage Segment
Hardstone is still looking for Nick. He goes into
Chris’s office and Nick is sitting there talking on the phone. He stands up and trys to leave but Hardstone stops him
and slams him up against the wall.
Hardstone – Now I have you,
you little prick!!!! I want a match with you!!!
Nick – Uh…..Uh…..OK.
But not until Cyber Carnage 2.
- Fine, but till then……
He puts Nick back on the ground and punches him
in the stomach. He walks out for his match.
vs. The Warrior (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)
Jenkans - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 200 pounds, from Atlanta, GA, The Warrior!!! (crowd cheers **********)
[The Warrior comes to the ring. ]
Sam Jenkans - and his opponent, weighing in at 235 pounds, from Owasso, Ok, Hardstone!!!
(crowd boos **)
[Hardstone walks to the ring. Ashlyn Gere is the referee for this contest.
Ashlyn Gere checks The Warrior's boots and knee pads. Hardstone places The Warrior on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout
suplerplex. (ding, ding, ding) The Warrior hits a flying karate chop right to Hardstone's neck. Out
of desperation, The Warrior dives from the second turnbuckle, shoulder blocking Hardstone. The Warrior gets back to his feet.
Hardstone climbs to his feet. Hardstone hits The Warrior with the back of his elbow. The Warrior hits a jumping elbow hrust
on Hardstone. ]
"Big" Ben Little - The Warrior with a jumping elbow thrust.
[Hardstone is driven further
into the mat by The Warrior with a diving elbow smash. The Warrior climbs to his feet. Hardstone climbs to his feet. The Warrior
gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Hardstone comes over and smashes The Warrior's head into it. Hardstone holds his head after
recieving an earringer from The Warrior. Hardstone nails The Warrior with a belly-to-back suplex. Hardstone moves back to
his feet. The Warrior climbs to his feet. Hardstone rakes the face of The Warrior in attempt to make a come back. Hardstone
connects with a flying knee. The Warrior goes down. Hardstone gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Hardstone goes for
a side slam but The Warrior dodges the attack. ]
John Davis - Folks this is the only
place you can get wrestling like this.
[The Warrior goes for a standing tornado DDT but Hardstone dodges the attack.
Hardstone gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. A side kick by The Warrior turns the match around by knocking Hardstone
to the mat. Now The Warrior standing. The Warrior hits Hardstone with an elbowdrop from the second
turnbuckle. The Warrior moves back to his feet. The Warrior hits Hardstone with an elbowdrop. The Warrior gets up. Hardstone
gets hit with a diving elbow smash from The Warrior. The Warrior climbs to his feet. Hardstone gives The Warrior a reverse
neckbreaker. Hardstone climbs to his feet. The Warrior is back on his feet. The Warrior gets back into the match with a jumping
neck snap on Hardstone. Hardstone trys for a cobra clutch suplex but The Warrior avoids it. Hardstone clotheslines The Warrior.
[Hardstone executes a swinging bulldog on The Warrior driving The Warrior's face into
the mat. Hardstone stands up. The Warrior climbs to his feet. Hardstone executes a ropeflip hiptoss on The Warrior. Hardstone
rolls onto The Warrior connecting with a knee. Hardstone gets elbowed to his midsection by Hardstone. Flying somersault drop
kick by The Warrior puts him back in the match. ]
John Davis - Hardstone takes a flying
somersault dropkick.
[The Warrior moves back to his feet. Hardstone is back on his feet. Hardstone executes the jumping
sidekick on The Warrior. Hardstone fist drops The Warrior on the mat. The Warrior moves back to his feet. The Warrior goes
off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Hardstone. The Warrior hits Hardstone with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
The Warrior gets back to his feet. The Warrior hits Hardstone with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. The Warrior flies
from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop. Hardstone trys for a split legged moonsault but The Warrior avoids it. Hardstone sends
The Warrior to ringside. Ashlyn Gere starts the count (.1) Hiptoss executed by The Warrior lucha-libre style. (..2)
"Big" Ben Little - I wish every match could be like this!
John Davis - ringside is covered
with blood from these fighters.
[The Warrior goes off the turnbuckle with a flying somersault splash.
"Big" Ben Little - That flying somersault splash was very good.
[The Warrior stands up. (...3) ]
"Big" Ben Little - Is this a great match or not?
John Davis - Oh yeah!
[The Warrior hits the flying legdrop across Hardstone's neck. ]
Ben Little - The Warrior with a flying legdrop.
[The Warrior climbs
to his feet. (....4) ]
John Davis - ringside is covered with blood from these fighters.
[The Warrior hits Hardstone with a flying senton. The Warrior gets back to his feet. (.....5) ]
Ben Little - ringside is covered with blood from these fighters.
[Hardstone gets up. (......6) They fight into
the aisle. Hardstone and The Warrior move back to ringside. Hardstone takes The Warrior into the ring. Hardstone
short lariats The Warrior. The Warrior gets back to his feet. A flying bodypress by The Warrior takes Hardstone to
the mat with authority. Now The Warrior standing. Now Hardstone standing.
Hardstone punches The Warrior in the head. The Warrior executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Hardstone. Hardstone executes a headlock
takedown. The Warrior climbs to his feet. The Warrior kicks Hardstone's head out of desperation because Hardstone blocked
The Warrior's first kick. ]
John Davis - Hardstone takes a enzuigiri.
Warrior gets back to his feet. Hardstone is back on his feet. Hardstone hits a spinning leg lariat on The Warrior sending
him to the mat. The Warrior gets up. The Warrior gets hit with a dragon scerw from Hardstone. Hardstone stands up. Hardstone
hits The Warrior with an elbowdrop. Now Hardstone standing. The Warrior gets taken down with a corkscrew
armdrag. The Warrior climbs to his feet. The Warrior kicks Hardstone in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam. The
Warrior moves back to his feet. Hardstone is back on his feet. A side kick by The Warrior turns the match around by knocking
Hardstone to the mat. ]
"Big" Ben Little - flying side kick!
[The Warrior is
back on his feet. Hardstone knifehand chops The Warrior. The Warrior slaps both sides of Hardstone's head out of desperation.
The Warrior hits a jumping elbow hrust on Hardstone. The Warrior jumps and elbow smashes the lying Hardstone. Now The
Warrior standing. The Warrior jumps off of the turnbuckle with a Satellite Shot on Hardstone. The ref starts the count. ...1
...2 Hardstone kicks out. ]
John Davis - The Warrior should
have known better than to try for a Satellite Shot at this point in the match.
[Hardstone chops The Warrior. Hardstone
gives The Warrior a reverse neckbreaker. Hardstone climbs to his feet. Hardstone goes for a pin. Referee Ashlyn Gere makes
the count. ...1 The Warrior escapes. ]
"Big" Ben Little - Hardstone should have known he wouldn't win the match
with that.
[The Warrior gets back to his feet. The Warrior gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Hardstone comes over and
smashes The Warrior's head into it. ]
John Davis - The Warrior takes a headsmash into
[The Warrior executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Hardstone. Hardstone moves back to his feet. Hardstone executes
the jumping sidekick on The Warrior. The Warrior gets up. Hardstone nails The Warrior with a belly-to-back suplex. Hardstone
goes for a bridging back suplex but The Warrior dodges the attack. Hardstone clotheslines The Warrior. Hardstone goes for
a springboard DDT but The Warrior dodges the attack. They lockup. Hardstone sends The Warrior to
the corner of the ring. Hardstone trys for a spinning neck-breaker but The Warrior avoids it. Hardstone clotheslines The Warrior.
John Davis - This is just awefull!
[Hardstone gets up off the ground and The
Warrior hits him with a flying dropkick. The Warrior hits Hardstone with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. The Warrior
moves back to his feet. The Warrior flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop. The Warrior is up again. The Warrior hits
Hardstone with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. The Warrior moves back to his feet. Hardstone is on the ground, OH!!!
The Warrior just pulled off the Satellite Shot. That's gotta hurt! Ashlyn Gere counts the pin. ...1 Hardstone escapes. ]
Ben Little - He should have just stayed on the attack.
[Hardstone gets back to his feet. The Warrior gets back
into the match with a jumping neck snap on Hardstone. Hardstone gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. ]
Davis - elbowsmash!
[Flying somersault drop kick by The Warrior puts him back in the match. The Warrior climbs
to his feet. Hardstone is back on his feet. Hardstone trys for a handspring bodyblock but The Warrior avoids it. Hardstone
drags The Warrior to the floor. ]
"Big" Ben Little - My God! The Warrior could be killed! They've moved to ringside,
there's weapons there!!
[Ashlyn Gere starts the count (.1) Hardstone swings a
Steel chair and hits The Warrior. The Warrior is bleeding as a result. The Warrior goes for a top-rope DDT but Hardstone
dodges the attack. The Warrior takes Hardstone into the ring. A springboard bulldog by The Warrior sends Hardstone's head
crashing into the mat. The Warrior gets back to his feet. Hardstone climbs to his feet. An elbow submission by The Warrior
brings Hardstone down to the mat. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... Hardstone is fighting the hold. ... ... Hardstone
is fighting the hold. The Warrior breaks the hold. Hardstone sends The Warrior into Ashlyn Gere he goes down. Hardstone knocks
The Warrior out with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam. Hardstone sucks chants start in the crowd. Hardstone grabs The Warrior and
applies an arm wrench. Nick comes to ringside. They lockup. Nick sends Hardstone to the corner of
the ring. Nick hits Hardstone with a single arm DDT. Now Nick standing. Hardstone is up again. Ordered
is restored. Ashlyn Gere gets up. The Warrior clotheslines Hardstone. The Warrior chants start. A flying bodypress by The
Warrior takes Hardstone to the mat with authority. Now The Warrior standing. The Warrior climbs to
the top and Hardstone grabs him and delivers the Hard Drop. Ashlyn Gere counts the pin. ...1 ...2. Nick pulls Ashlyn Gere
out of the ring. Hardstone gets up and reaches over the ropes to grab Nick. Warrior stands up and gives Hardstone an inside
Cradle. Ashlyn Gere slides back into the ring and counts….1….2……3.
John Davis - We've
got ourselves a winner!
Sam Jenkans - The winner of this match, The Warrior!!!
runs away through the crowd. Hardstone gets up and goes after him.]
“Seek and Destroy” hits and Chris makes his way to the ring with the Warriors
contract. He gets inside and grabs a mic.
– Well like I promised here’s your contract!
– Got a pen?
– Sure!!!
Chris reaches in his pocket and pulls out brass knuckles.
He knocks Warrior over the head with them.
– You SUCK!!! Oh and by the way……..your FIRED!!!!! Now get off MY show asshole!!!!
“Seek and Destroy”
hits and Chris rips up the contract. He drops the mic and exits the stage to a chorus of boos.
Commercial Break
New Cyber Carnage 2 commercial
2 men………………………………(Flashes quick text of “TWO MEN”)
1 goal……………………………….(Flashes the ECFW Championship)
1 man, confident, Cocky. Sure he will win……..(Shows Eliminator)
That man, defends
his gold against another man, who wants to fulfill his dreams. His desire burns. In his mind, he will win his dream……(Shows Andre Lecroix)
This is not Hulk Hogan vs. Andre “The
This is not Hulk Hogan vs. The Ultimate
This is not Stonecold Steve Austin vs.
The Rock
This is not The Rock vs. Hollywood Hulk
This, ny friends,
is the biggest match at the biggest showcase of them all. This, my friends, is what its all about.
This, my friends, is Eliminator vs. Andre Lecroix for the ECFW Championship. This, my friends, is ECFW CYBER CARNAGE 2
Live. & only
on ECFW Pay-Per-View. From the sold out Astrodome in Houston,
Commercial Ends
“Seek and Destroy”
hits and Chris comes out with a mic in his hand, and he heads down the ramp, and climbs the steel steps. He enters through
the middle rope. The ECFW Championship is sitting on a table in the middle of the ring. Chris puts the mic up to his mouth
and speaks.
Chris – Tonight is very special.
Not just for me but for one of the finest wrestlers I have ever seen in my life. I would like to welcome your NEW ECFW World
The crowd goes nuts as Eliminator makes his way to the
ring. He slides in and plays to the crowd. He shakes Chris’s hand and accepts the applause from the crowd.
Chris – Thank you for one hell
of a match.
Eliminator – No, thank you.
But I would also like to thank you the fans.(Crowd still going nuts) Thank
Just then the lights go off and white lights and white
smoke appear at the entrance. “Prayer” blasts through the arena and out walks Stitches. The crowd is booing loudly.
He enters the ring and immediately gets in Eliminator’s face. He grabs the mic from Eliminator’s hand and speaks.
Stitches – Now I know all of
you are expecting me to kick his ass and beat Chris down too. But not tonight. I came out here to
shake your hand Eliminator. You gave me one hell of a match and one hell of a beating.
Stitches extends his hand. Eliminator looks at him and then shakes it. Stitches leaves to
the cheering fans.
Chris hands the Title to Eliminator. He holds the title up and the fans go nuts again. Just then Andre Lecroix jumps
the guard rail and hits Chris and Eliminator with a steel chair. He locks on the FLEUR DE ILES on Eliminator.
Eliminator is tapping out. Chris calls for security. Bryan Evans and Kevin Savage run down and grab Andre and they escort
him out of the ring.
Chris – Stay the HELL of MY
Cameras fade as Andre is tossed out of the arena by security………..